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Getting "TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading '1')" #8

Closed pskumaresh06 closed 2 months ago

pskumaresh06 commented 1 year ago


My link: const course_url = ''; const subtitle_lang = 'en';

while performing npm run start getting the below error: image

Any suggestions. Thanks in advance for your efforts.

ReneR97 commented 1 year ago

did you fill in the "credentials " variable with the correct value?

pskumaresh06 commented 1 year ago

Yes. I collected "credentials" value from Cookie Editor and placed in the below command location:

const credentials = ''


Kayzzy commented 10 months ago

Try this.

After copying the cookies & credentials to code editor, try running it this way.

Follow this three(3) sequences, see attached screenshot too.

npm i npm run npm start


G419 commented 10 months ago

Hello, I am experiencing the same issue. Following the three steps above, steps 1 and 2 run fine identically to the above. Step 3 throws the error of the initial post. Should the raw cookie value of credentials be modified in some way? Thank you.

ThePantaloon commented 10 months ago

Guys, I found the reason for this error. The cookie editor sometimes shows the values without encoding, instead of "{" = "%7B" same at the end too "}" = "%7D" and in the middle ":" = "%3A" I changed them manually and it worked, sometimes it shows it correctly that's why we all baffled

ReneR97 commented 10 months ago

Guys, I found the reason for this error. The cookie editor sometimes shows the values without encoding, instead of "{" = "%7B" same at the end too "}" = "%7D" and in the middle ":" = "%3A" I changed them manually and it worked, sometimes it shows it correctly that's why we all baffled

Hey, thanks for looking into this and finding the problem. Didnt have a lot of time lately for this. If this also fixes the problem for the other people here, please let me know

G419 commented 10 months ago

Guys, I found the reason for this error. The cookie editor sometimes shows the values without encoding, instead of "{" = "%7B" same at the end too "}" = "%7D" and in the middle ":" = "%3A" I changed them manually and it worked, sometimes it shows it correctly that's why we all baffled

Thank you. This sounded highly promising but sadly didn't resolve it for me (replaced 1x"{", 1x"}" and 3x":") . I have also tried to remplace "-" to "%2D" but to avail.

benede1 commented 9 months ago

hello I am speaking through a translator so I do not know if I understand well, the solution I found was as the partner says is to replace {" = "%7B" , "}" = "%7D". ,":" = "%3A" but the difference is that there are 3 parts where "%3A" is replaced by ":" the first is after the beginning, the second in the middle and the third before the end of the .

I leave an example of how it should be ejemplo


Minhhl03 commented 9 months ago

Hello, replacing characters doesn't work for me! Any other solutions?

kanishkamad commented 2 months ago

Screenshot (173)

I'm getting only these from the cookie editor. Where I can fine the credential value ?

ReneR97 commented 2 months ago

@kanishkamad Just scroll down a bit, should be more cookies

kanishkamad commented 2 months ago

@kanishkamad Just scroll down a bit, should be more cookies

Thank you @ReneR97 . It was an issue with my browser. I just change the browser and it's fixed.