Reneator / Godot-Path-of-Oil

Inspired by and using the icons + the anointment csv files in a modified/cleaned up form
MIT License
5 stars 2 forks source link

Regarding New Anoints. #11

Open DrZed opened 1 month ago

DrZed commented 1 month ago

King of the Hill;PrismaticOil;BlackOil;GoldenOil is now called No Forgiveness, may also have other renamed nodes. Not sure how the POB Lua Import works, if it's your end or automatic on user end. Would like clarification on that.

Also I was thinking I'd have to do the update, interesting to see you're back.?

Reneator commented 1 month ago


Edit: didnt read properly, thanks for the info, will correct that.

the lua import works before building the app on my machine (its an extra script called "pob_anoint_extractor",

The king of the Hill passive is currently not included, because there are 2 passives with the same name, and one being much cheaper and the other one much more expensive: image

So i rather block out both just to be sure.

Reneator commented 1 month ago

Thanks for pointing it out,

it seems Also Rising Tempest got renamed to Lasting Tempest

DrZed commented 1 month ago

Oil Extractors were removed from drop pool entirely. Standard Supply Remains. image

DrZed commented 1 month ago

Am big sad