Renegade0 / msfm

More Style for Mages - A mod for BG:EE, BG2:EE and IWD:EE
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Requests for Clarification and Permission for Expansion of More Style for Mages #8

Open GregCampbellPresents opened 2 years ago

GregCampbellPresents commented 2 years ago

Greetings, @Renegade0! I repost this here from the BeamDog forum since the BeamDog forum said it was going offline for awhile.

Did you intend for the Teleport stones to be one use only before being destroyed? My tests have shown that they are, and that seems unintended.

Also, since I'm working with someone else (LarryErb on GitHub) to update this mod for EET, may the community also add these tweaks? (You would still be credited for your work, of course.)

-Familiars for other characters. Notably, this includes [url=]BG1 NPCs modded into BG2[/url] as well as the potential for other mod-added NPCs.

-Adding other familiars and tweaking familiar abilities. (I want to port the code from or otherwise use similar code to Tome & Blood for its familiars - with the mod author's permission, of course!)

-Other Staves of Wizardry, notably for AionZ's Shadow Magic users and Warlocks (Bard chassis).

-Fixing Stones of Teleportation to have daily charges or be usable at-will.

-Adding destinations for the Stones of Teleportation, including to locations from mods.

-Adding other Stones of Teleportation for BG1/SoD.

-Editing the Wizard's Hats (the pointy ones) to work with characters who don't use the Male Human Wizard model. (I have the appropriate lore planned for this.)
