Renmusxd / RustQIP

Quantum computing using rust. Efficient and a borrow-checked no cloning theorem!
MIT License
223 stars 18 forks source link

Create LICENSE #21

Closed oxarbitrage closed 3 years ago

oxarbitrage commented 3 years ago

I saw the python version haves a MIT license and i think it will be better for contributions if the rust one haves one as well.

By the way, i am learning some basics of quantum computing and i find this package to be the most complete for rust, i had made a few small experiments with it and i will probably can send some pull requests as i go forward.

If this project active ?

Renmusxd commented 3 years ago

It's being actively maintained but I haven't had the time to add features in a while. Though hopefully I'll be able to over the summer. Contributions are welcome and I agree about the MIT license, I'll merge that right in!

oxarbitrage commented 3 years ago

Cool, thanks, i will try to send some PRs from time to time.