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Draft: Add make_sparse_matrix_op bench #40

Open kris524 opened 2 years ago

kris524 commented 2 years ago

As a start, I wanted to add a new benchmark test and I thought that make_sparse_matrix_op might be a useful one and we don't have an existing one as well

kris524 commented 2 years ago

I will add more bench tests later. I will switch to writing some examples to get to know the codebase better

Renmusxd commented 2 years ago

Sounds good - I definitely need to work on adding documentation (I lot of it was lost when I rewrote things), so if anything is unclear please don't hesitate to ask so I know to add better docs in that area.

kris524 commented 2 years ago

Is this still relevant then?

Renmusxd commented 2 years ago

Those docs are for the Cargo version which is behind the github version. I'd recommend building the docs locally with cargo doc