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Implement Error for CircuitError #48

Closed sunsided closed 10 months ago

sunsided commented 10 months ago

This PR does three things:

Renmusxd commented 10 months ago

Thanks for the PR! I'll look over the code and merge it in the next day or two!

sunsided commented 10 months ago

One thing to mention is that matching on Self:: variants only works on Rust 1.37 and later. You don't have a minimum supported Rust version on it. Seems reasonable to me but I can also change that to use CircuitError:: explicitly.

Renmusxd commented 10 months ago

It was my understanding that "edition=2021" also specified a minimum supported rust version, although followup reading seems to just claim its invalid to specific incompatible edition+msrv pairs.

sunsided commented 10 months ago

Thanks for the merge and thanks for the project. 🙂