Renovamen / vuepress-theme-gungnir

A blog theme for VuePress 2.
Apache License 2.0
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[Bug report]搜索提示文字修改不生效 #53

Closed jarvis920817 closed 2 years ago

jarvis920817 commented 2 years ago

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No response

Renovamen commented 2 years ago


可以看一下你的 .vuepress/config.js 文件吗?我这边按文档的方式配置 placeholder 是没问题的。

jarvis920817 commented 2 years ago

邹大大,感谢您的回复。 麻烦您了。

在 2022-04-11 02:57:47,"Xiaohan Zou" @.***> 写道:


可以看一下你的 .vuepress/config.js 文件吗?我这边按文档的方式配置 placeholder 是没问题的。

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module.exports = { title: "Dragon Well - 龍井", description: "JARVIS CHEUNG 的博客",

head: [ [ "link", { rel: "icon", type: "image/png", sizes: "16x16", href: /img/logo/favicon-16x16.png } ], [ "link", { rel: "icon", type: "image/png", sizes: "32x32", href: /img/logo/favicon-32x32.png } ], ["meta", { name: "application-name", content: "JARVIS CHEUNG" }], ["meta", { name: "apple-mobile-web-app-title", content: "JARVIS CHEUNG" }], [ "meta", { name: "apple-mobile-web-app-status-bar-style", content: "black" } ], [ "link", { rel: "apple-touch-icon", href: /images/icons/apple-touch-icon.png } ], ["meta", { name: "theme-color", content: "#377bb5" }], ["meta", { name: "msapplication-TileColor", content: "#377bb5" }] ],

bundler: @.***/vite",

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themeConfig: { docsDir: "blog", docsBranch: "master",

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    searchText: "查找",
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    lang: 'en-US',
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    navbarTitle: "Dragonwell",
    searchText: "Search",
search: {
  locales: {
    "/": {
      placeholder: "输入任意关键词"
    "/en/": {
      placeholder: "Search"

// personal information
personalInfo: {
  name: "Dragon Well - 龍井",
  avatar: "/img/avatar.png",
  description: "JARVIS CHEUNG 的个人主页",
  sns: {
    email: {
    wechat: {  
      icon: "ri-wechat-2-line", 
      link: "/contact/wechat" 
    // weibo: "", 
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    // github: "jarvis920817",
    // zhihu: "",
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    // facebook: "",
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themePlugins: {
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  git: isProd,
  katex: true,
  mdPlus: {
    all: true
  // giscus: {
  //   repo: "This-is-an-Apple/blog-giscus-comments",
  //   repoId: "R_kgDOGl2SjQ",
  //   category: "Announcements",
  //   categoryId: "DIC_kwDOGl2Sjc4CAcxK",
  //   darkTheme: ""
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  // rss: {
  //   siteURL: "",
  //   copyright: "DragonWell 2020-2022"
  // }

navbar: [
    text: "首页",
    link: "/",
    icon: "ri-home-5-fill"
    text: "文章",
    link: "/tags/",
    icon: "md-article"
    text: "关于我",
    link: "/about/",
    icon: "io-person-sharp"

footer: `
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// markdown: { // extractHeaders: { // level: [2, 3, 4, 5] // }, // code: { // lineNumbers: false // } // }

// hitokoto: "", // enable hitokoto (一言) or not? };

Renovamen commented 2 years ago


search: {
  locales: {
    "/": {
      placeholder: "输入任意关键词"
    "/en/": {
      placeholder: "Search"

移到 themeConfig.themePlugins 里试试:

themePlugins: {
  search: {
    locales: {
      "/": {
        placeholder: "Search"
      "/zh/": {
        placeholder: "搜索"

placeholder 是插件的配置项。

jarvis920817 commented 2 years ago
