Reocin / obsidian-markdown-formatting-assistant-plugin

This Plugin provides a simple WYSIWYG Editor for Markdown and in addition a command line interface. The command line interface facilitate a faster workflow.
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Apply formatting to multiple paragraphs of existing text #20

Open rbanks88 opened 3 years ago

rbanks88 commented 3 years ago

This is very promising, but it looks like I can't apply formatting to multiple paragraphs with the backslash trigger. The may be designed for formatting before you start typing text vs. formatting existing text you've selected, which I'm doing often as I move tons of material from OmniOutliner and Apple Notes into Obsidian.

My ultimate goal is to have the formatting applied to all paragraphs that are fully or partially selected, triggered by just one keystroke, as in Sh F1-4 sets H1-4, Sh F5 clears formatting, Sh F6 bullet list, Sh F7 numbered list.

However, the backslash trigger only works if you place the cursor at the end of a paragraph. Otherwise, it just enters the character in the text.

If text is selected, it overwrites it, making it impossible to apply formatting to multiple lines. But if you select multiple lines completely and click the icons in the side panel, it works fine. I think I could make Keyboard Maestro macros to have it fully select the paragraphs, but the question remains of how to have a keystroke trigger the formatting via the side panel and not via the backslash. Or to let it be triggered by a keystroke that doesn't type a character, such as Ctrl Cmd .

Am I missing something?

Thanks, Russell