Reocin / obsidian-markdown-formatting-assistant-plugin

This Plugin provides a simple WYSIWYG Editor for Markdown and in addition a command line interface. The command line interface facilitate a faster workflow.
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Added Callout Section #58

Closed thomasenzi closed 1 year ago

thomasenzi commented 1 year ago

I've added a callout section in the menu. The buttons are showing the right icons with colors and background-colors. I've also added a Modal Window. Because of the amount of callouts I build an extra menu that you can invoke with ALT-C.

Reocin commented 1 year ago

Hey @thomasenzi thanks for the work :-) looks great :-) Just on question, why did you use a different suggestion windwo ?Wouldn't it be possible to use the same suggestion window like any normal markdown command?

thomasenzi commented 1 year ago

Hi @Reocin - My first thought was that the original suggestion window would be overloaded with such an amount of callout-Blocks - Should I add it to the original window? I will also take a look how to repair the bug that - when updating - callout-Block is not shown (as I mentioned - you have to delete data.json in the plugin directory then it works)

Reocin commented 1 year ago

Mh i understand you, but there are already a lot of commands in it and works well. But it would be harder to find or filter the right command if you only know it is a callout and not its specific name.

But with the tow following changes it could work.

  1. Change the des property to callout-{current des}
  2. Add it to the current suggestion modal.

Then if you search for a callout you can just insert callout and if you search for a specific one than you can insert that. Than you have both functionality.

What do you think about it?

Furthermore ...

I'm also on a bigger update for this plugin, with a separate homepage where everyone can define his own commands and share it, suggest some edits for not owned commands or even suggest it as a default commend (those are in the side pane). The command then get synced over a database.

Therefore, I also created a much better filter algorithms. This one could help here even more.

But this is a lot of initial work and i don't have time at the moment ...

So if you are a good programmer (As you probably have seen i'm actually not, as i taught everything by my selves XD) and want to work together on this plugin you are very welcome :-)

regards Reocin

thomasenzi commented 1 year ago

Mh i understand you, but there are already a lot of commands in it and works well. But it would be harder to find or filter the right command if you only know it is a callout and not its specific name.

But with the tow following changes it could work.

  1. Change the des property to callout-{current des}
  2. Add it to the current suggestion modal. Then if you search for a callout you can just insert callout and if you search for a specific one than you can insert that. Than you have both functionality.

What do you think about it?

Good idea - I will try it ;-)

Furthermore ...

I'm also on a bigger update for this plugin, with a separate homepage where everyone can define his own commands and share it, suggest some edits for not owned commands or even suggest it as a default commend (those are in the side pane). The command then get synced over a database.

Therefore, I also created a much better filter algorithms. This one could help here even more.

But this is a lot of initial work and i don't have time at the moment ...

So if you are a good programmer (As you probably have seen i'm actually not, as i taught everything by my selves XD) and want to work together on this plugin you are very welcome :-)

regards Reocin

Sounds very interesting - is this the update-formatter-engine branch ... will take a look at it! Regards Thomas

Reocin commented 1 year ago

Yes is that branch, but you will be confused, as i reprogrammed the hole formatter engine and even the UI will change.

  1. I want to reduce the UI width. Therefore, i reduced the main sections to icons with a dropdown which opens on click :-)
  2. The second idea to make the UI responsive so if the width is over 300 px than you have the current UI if smaler it will change to the smaller one with the icons.
  3. I want to improve the search engine. At the moment, this engine is just on the homepage search field. But that will be transfered to obsidan too.
  4. I want to work with Vuejs. I found a tutorial to work with Rejact and is already working, but it is just shit. XD So next i plan to go with VueJs as i already know it.

That's some of the tasks i played with in that brunch. The Homepage is in a other Git-Repository.

Regards Daniel