Repast / repast.simphony

Git repository for Repast Simphony development
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Improve support for Java modules #46

Open vanderzee-anl-gov opened 2 years ago

vanderzee-anl-gov commented 2 years ago

I would like to see the Repast system become a properly defined Java module with module-info.txt specifying the modules that Repast depends on and the packages that it exports.

That may be a difficult hurdle, so if it is necessary as an interim step, it may be appropriate to have Repast define an automatic module name.

Note that becoming modular would entail removing any split packages. I am not aware of many issues with split packages, but there may be some problems related to the javax.measure package, which is mostly obtained from a dependency but also has a class defined in the repast.simphony.bin_and_src.jar archive.

vanderzee-anl-gov commented 2 years ago

I would recommend upgrading the dependency on org.geotools jars as part of this process. We found that release version 21.2 of geotools provides an automatic module name, while version 19.1 does not. This change would also entail migrating from uses of com.vividsolutions.jts. in your API to uses of org.locationtech.jts., a change that came in version 20.x of geotools.