Repast / repast.simphony

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javax.xml module issues #72

Open etatara opened 2 years ago

etatara commented 2 years ago

If the project compiler level in Eclipse is set to 9+, it will enforce package name restrictions across multiple modules. The JRE 11 includes javax.xml and this conflicts with the javax.xml in the r.s.libs.ext\lib\xml-apis-1.3.04.jar. One solution may be to remove the xml-apis jar if the same classes are now part of the JRE.

etatara commented 2 years ago

This issue appears to be caused by the Apache batik libraries in libs.ext that include the xml-apis and xml-apis.ext. Setting the developer environment compiler level to 11 shows the same problem. Removing the offending jars from libs.ext partially solves the compiler error, but the batik jars contain some classes that aren't include in the JRE w3c.dom packages. Need to check if we can either update to a newer version of batik, or create a custom library.

etatara commented 1 year ago

Note this only happens when the project code explicitly imports certain javax.xml packages. The compiler errors won't otherwise appear or cause issues if the Eclipse compiler level is set to 11.