Repast / repast.simphony

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Javadoc/Groovydoc generation #83

Open etatara opened 1 year ago

etatara commented 1 year ago

Groovydoc generation requires Groovy SDK 2.5 and does not work with Java17. The current toolchain and instructions for building the API docs is generally over-complex and should be streamlined to work with Java 17+ and Groovy SDK 3/4.

The Repast javadoc will build OK with Java 17, so it may just be a matter of updating the Groovydoc generation.

etatara commented 1 month ago

Some findings during the RS 2.11 release:

etatara commented 1 month ago

Made some improvements to the build javadoc and groovydoc ant scripts to reduce manual burden of generating the docs.