ReproNim / OHBMEducation-2022

Repo for the OHBM Education 1/2 day course entitled: "How to Write a Re-Executable Publication"
Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal
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ReproLake #8

Open dnkennedy opened 2 years ago

dnkennedy commented 2 years ago

Still working on the ReproLake details for this course. Will be using a StarDog instance. the students will push (well, curl) their results to a specific database and 'named graph', and then we will eventually figure out what to do with all these graphs, to support a mega and meta analysis across the students.

@jgrethe is working on the appropriate 'curl's, and the specific volume queries we'd want

dnkennedy commented 2 years ago

@jgrethe gave me the following 'curl' example:

For the CURL here is the command you can try:

curl --location --request POST '' \ --header 'Content-Type: text/turtle' \ --header 'Authorization: XXXXXXXX' \ --data-binary '@/Users/jgrethe/Documents/Development/ReproNim/RDF_tests/nidm_test.ttl'

Within CURL you should be able to replace the header authorization with the username and password. curl -u username:password ...

Cheers, Jeff

This operated without error, but I've yet to be given a way to query what I've done to actually see a result...