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Model for RDF graph with participant node #99

Open smpadhy opened 6 years ago

smpadhy commented 6 years ago

Currently, a plan, say Plan_1, has several attributes <ID,NumberOfSession,Name,Description, SessionCollections>. A Session Collection has members <Session1, Session2, ...>. Each Session has attributes<name, Instrument collections >. Instrument Collection has members <Instrument1, instrument2, ...>. An instrument has attributes <task name, description, assignee, time estimate, instrument name>.

While adding a participants node, it should be added to the plan, Plan_1, as another attribute with 'wasAssociatedWith' predicate. Since there can be several participants for an experiment plan, corresponding to each participant a node will be added to the RDF Plan graph.

Another alternative could be to have a participants Collection associated to the plan and each participant could be member of that collection.

Another question - should participant be part of plan or part of data collection activity? As part of plan, there might be prescreen session to recruit participants.

smpadhy commented 6 years ago

@satra @dbkeator @khelm Any thoughts?

khelm commented 6 years ago

Hi @smpadhy We've decided to use Subject rather than Participant in NIDM-Experiment see here.

We should also talk about the number of Collections to be created - on an earlier discussion on a NIDM call the feeling was to minimize the number of collections. (I do include several in the ontology though).

I would keep prov:Plan as not directly involving Subjects. There is the term "Group" in the ontology that is used for collections of prov:Person's who have prov:role nidm:Subject and are associated with nidm:DataAcquisition.

The prescreening of subjects would be a separate activity, with two Agents: the person who administered the prescreening and the Subject. It would look the same as the InformedConsent activity in the latest version of the lucidchart in the NIDASH folder.

satra commented 6 years ago

since collections can be built from the underlying graph, i would rather avoid collections when possible.

smpadhy commented 6 years ago

@khelm @satra Thank you for the clarifications. @khelm In the NIDASH/Specifications folder, which is the latest lucidchart version? I am unable to open NIDM-Experiment-Hierarchy.

khelm commented 6 years ago

I agree that Collections should be minimized, but I am not totally against them. For example, one could envision a collection of "all dicom tags for this AcquisitionObject" or an "AuxiliaryFile" collection that would include the b-val and b-vec files. Yes, you could build them each time from the underlying graph each time, but there is something attractive about it conceptually.

The lucid chart you want is NIDM-Experiment_Draft_8a in the NIDASH folder