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Containers "distribution" for reproducible neuroimaging
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Go through the typical workflow and "relate" to reproman workflow #79

Open yarikoptic opened 1 year ago

yarikoptic commented 1 year ago

Go through and relate to reproman AWS EC2 cluster workflow: .

Long shot/back reference: running bids-apps using reproman

yarikoptic commented 1 year ago

mriqc could be the realistic/useful workflow to use so we do not need to wait for fake-fmriprep to emerge. Can take any of the (aka ///openneuro) datasets. Note that mriqc outputs already produced using reproman and stored in , so could be even fun to see how results would differ. Might be nice to provide reports between them.

yarikoptic commented 1 year ago

if can't login to discovery with reproman, you can ssh directly, install reproman there in some conda environment and use local orchestrator

yarikoptic commented 2 months ago

May be @jbwexler could give a version of that example script we have in on ttps:// but how he would setup/run on TACC (slurm, shared filesystem).