ReproNim / ohbm2018-training
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Section 1: Fair Data #10

Open jgrethe opened 6 years ago

jgrethe commented 6 years ago

talk 1: Intro to FAIR exercise: 16 attributes of FAIR - e.g. Is there a clear license, what is a PID, What is meant by metadata, … link attributes for 2 modules below

talk 2: Standardization and BIDS exercise: dicom to BIDS conversion exercise: basic conversion (tie in w/ ReproIn in next section)

talk 3: FAIR Metadata: searching and using Scicrunch exercise: BIDS metadata - participants.tsv and semantic annotation

talk 4: Brief Intro to NIDM exercise: NIDM conversion tool to create sidecar file

jgrethe commented 6 years ago

General talk parameters from May 23rd call: 3 segments: each segment 10 minute talk and 15 minute exercise.

Intro to FAIR is an intro section to the module - no exercise (5 minutes)

jgrethe commented 6 years ago

Based on email exchange - Talk 2 will focus on standardization and FAIR and BIDS with the excercise being BIDS structure and not programmatic conversion which Yaroslav is doing in his section