ReproNim / ohbm2018-training
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updating to latest repronim locations/images #30

Closed satra closed 6 years ago

satra commented 6 years ago

@mih - it would be great if you could check this before i hit merge.

this is setup to:

  1. use the repronim images (which should also be in the VM)
  2. download the extra files from this repo.
  3. add a configurable option for working dir.
  4. set the call format that should work both on my cluster and in the VM.

i can't actually test on the VM since i can't download it with my current connection and the remote execution is not working well my x2go client.

satra commented 6 years ago

@mih - so i run the above script and it finishes and then i try to repeat the last step and i run into the impossible state error:

$ bash
... # runs to completion
$ cd demo/glm_analysis/
$ datalad run singularity exec -B /tmp --bind /nobackup/scratch/Fri/satra/training/test-exercises/demo/glm_analysis/. -H /nobackup/scratch/Fri/satra/training/test-exercises/demo/glm_analysis/. .datalad/environments/fsl/image feat 'sub-02/1stlvl_design.fsf'
run(impossible): /nobackup/scratch/Fri/satra/training/test-exercises/demo/glm_analysis (dataset) [unsaved modifications present, cannot detect changes by command]
mih commented 6 years ago

If you ran that script git status should reveal the exported bash script as an untracked file. Just git clean -f and it should run.

I will later try if datalad rerun has the desired effect too.

mih commented 6 years ago

I can confirm that a datalad rerun --since HEAD~3 works as advertised.

Maybe we should set

set fmri(overwrite_yn) 1

to prevent FSL from adding a '+' directory on rerun. That way people could see straight with Git that nothing changes.

satra commented 6 years ago

that might be good for this exercise - we can also use that to show how a mistake in an onset file can be tracked.

mih commented 6 years ago

I tried, but FSL insists on renaming the folder :(

mih commented 6 years ago

We could revert the analysis output commit and rerun...