ReproNim / ohbm2018-training
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BF: Fixed "tag" in shub url to be :fsl not :fsln #43

Closed yarikoptic closed 5 years ago

yarikoptic commented 5 years ago


$> singularity pull shub://ReproNim/ohbm2018-training:fsln
ERROR Cannot find image. Is your capitalization correct?

$> singularity pull shub://ReproNim/ohbm2018-training:fsl 
Progress ||----------------------------------|   0.9% ^C
satra commented 5 years ago

it's because singularity hub is broken at the present. but that image was built and we used it in singapore.

satra commented 5 years ago

should all be available now.

yarikoptic commented 5 years ago

ah -- I did miss that we do have and saw only the .fsl one somehow

but what is the "breakage"? next time we should try to 'freeze' those containers - there is a button for each one of them. I did that for ReproNim/reproin -- not sure if effect would be desirable for it though ;)