[ ] We should also account for creating a Security Group that allows SSH over port 22. The default security group, although it looks like it should work. Also, show a list of existing key-pair names to choose from.
[ ] Add option to specify the size of the disk
[ ] Insert into inventory.yml the new machine immediately so if the command is cancelled we don't lose the started up EC2 instance
[ ] Also, not finding private key when located in ~/.local/share/niceman/ec2_keys/yoh@west when niceman login to ec2 (#298 ?)
[ ] ? /var/lib/apt/lists/us-west (get the date from release file)
[ ] ? Don't freeze Ubuntu (say I can't freeze it)
Only Debian (if no neurodebian on the system, don't bother with neurodebian)
apt-cache policy
Only add the repos that already exist
added some formatting to the original post, although was not sure about the last items (is that manifestation of what is now in nd_freeze within neurodebian?) so added ?
aws ec2 import-key-pair --key-name "my-key" --public-key-material file://~/.ssh/my-key.pub
[ ] We should also account for creating a Security Group that allows SSH over port 22. The default security group, although it looks like it should work. Also, show a list of existing key-pair names to choose from.
[ ] Add option to specify the size of the disk
[ ] Insert into
the new machine immediately so if the command is cancelled we don't lose the started up EC2 instance[ ] Also, not finding private key when located in
when niceman login to ec2 (#298 ?)[ ] ? /var/lib/apt/lists/us-west (get the date from release file)
[ ] ? Don't freeze Ubuntu (say I can't freeze it) Only Debian (if no neurodebian on the system, don't bother with neurodebian) apt-cache policy Only add the repos that already exist