ReproNim / reprostim

Automated capture of audio-visual stimuli into BIDS datasets
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Synchronization (or tracking of offset) of involved clocks #13

Open yarikoptic opened 3 years ago

yarikoptic commented 3 years ago

video stimuli grabber computer uses NTP to keep its clock nicely synchronized (related #12), but we do not know (yet) what is happening on MRI system which includes multiple computers (console, reconstruction server)

Details of our current setup


and with more annotations:


with added connection from curdes to personal computer via USB (not yet committed here):


Regarding "what is where", here is a list of involved "computers"

not yet used/deployed

On 2024/05/28 we got sample collection of data after syncing birch via ntp to reproiner and running the "show qr code with details" after each trigger pulse was received. Data is available there on typhon and here it is with added short descriptions


there were 1 screwed up (I think) run and then 2 good ones. "good ones" should have _run-1 and _run-2 where "available" (DICOM series description and psychopy logs have it for sure)

yarikoptic commented 3 years ago

so the idea would be to create a "calibration stimuli script" which would

based on that data AND timestamps in the DICOMs we would be able to tell the offset and from multiple (across weeks) acquisitions to tell the drift of the clock in the MR reconstruction box.

Then this information on clock differences would be used for partitioning videos (#14).

yarikoptic commented 3 years ago

more on this idea (which I like now even more): by presenting it from reproin'er (the same box which also has video capturing dongle attached) we can assess delay introduced by the capturing dongle! (assuming that stimuli script does all the timing correctly)

andycon commented 1 year ago

proceed after #35 is done.

yarikoptic commented 1 year ago

in preparation to tomorrow QA/sync acquisition -- @andycon please prepare a script which would keep presenting QR codes (e.g. every 10th frame or so?) with that datetime up to milliseconds embedded so we could later assess delay/jitter between video stimuli delivery and capture (in addition to magnet triggers captured by #35)

yarikoptic commented 1 month ago
summary of times for the sample `006-func-bold_task-rest_run-1` acquisition and only 1st dynamic shown here: not ultimately usable since we are lacking qrcode recording for some reason - DICOMS on MRI hardware (reconstruction box likely) - **t_mri**. ``` ❯ for f in *.dcm; do dcmdump +P '0008,0032' $f; done (0008,0032) TM [111322.495000] # 14, 1 AcquisitionTime ``` - psychopy script on my laptop (just because it was me running it so I have those logs): **t_experimenter** ```shell ❯ grep acqNum 20240528_run-1.log {"event": "trigger", "acqNum": 0, "logfn": "20240528-2.log", "time": 1716908819.6869357, "time_formatted": "2024-05-28T11:06:59.686936-04:00", "keys": ["5"], "keys_time": 1716908832.3484943, "keys_time_str": "2024-05-28T11:07:12.348494-04:00", "time_flip": 1716908832.4185193, "time_flip_formatted": "2024-05-28T11:07:12.418519-04:00"} ``` - times decoded by qrcode decoder from a longer video recording (should correspond 1-to-1 to psychopy script log entry). What is of interest is the "offset" from the beginning of the file... **t_experimenter** (relates to **t_reproiner** + **t_ffmpeg_recdelay**) ``` !!! We are actually missing them somehow. I think they should have been part of the 2024. but that one seems missing them... ``` - times in the .mkv.log file accompanying .mkv (also time is encoded in the file name) -- in **t_reproiner** (and we do not know t_ffmpeg_recdelay) ``` ❯ grep REPROSTIM-METADATA-JSON.*start_ts 2024. 2024-05-28 11:08:50.177 [info] [3719071] REPROSTIM-METADATA-JSON: {"aDev":"hw:2,1","appName":"reprostim-videocapture","cx":1920,"cy":1080,"frameRate":"60","serial":"B208220302195","start_ts":"2024.","ts":"2024.","type":"session_begin","vDev":"USB Capture DVI+","version":""} :REPROSTIM-METADATA-JSON ... ``` - time when we received trigger pulse on birch **t_birch** (NTP synced, thus should be really close to **t_reproiner**), time stamps in Z UTC zone (+00:00) ```shell ❯ grep -A1 024-05-28T15:08 * {"epoch_time": 1716908920.407058, "iso_time": "2024-05-28T15:08:40.407058+00:00", "time": 386.6154779999997, "alink_byte": 240, "alink_flags": 1} {"epoch_time": 1716908940.610456, "iso_time": "2024-05-28T15:09:00.610456+00:00", "time": 406.82571899999994, "alink_byte": 496, "alink_flags": 2} ```
    ❯ date --iso-8601=ns | tr "\n" "\t" ; for h in reproiner birch localhost; do ssh $h 'date --iso-8601=ns | tr "\n" "\t" ; hostname' & done; sleep 3;
    2024-05-28T11:50:40,168054275-04:00 bilena
    2024-05-28T11:50:40,777833551-04:00 reproiner
    2024-05-28T11:50:40,813447469-04:00 Birch-4115966

So redoing for the _run-2 for which we should have everything (yet TODO)

❯ grep 'keys": \["5' 20240528_run-2.log | head -n 1
{"event": "trigger", "acqNum": 0, "logfn": "20240528_run-2.log", "time": 1716908929.1446826, "time_formatted": "2024-05-28T11:08:49.144683-04:00", "keys": ["5"], "keys_time": 1716908940.5812862, "keys_time_str": "2024-05-28T11:09:00.581286-04:00", "time_flip": 1716908940.6707587, "time_flip_formatted": "2024-05-28T11:09:00.670759-04:00"}

so we received trigger pulse at t_experimenter=11:09:00.581286 (6 minutes diff!)

❯ grep '2024-05-28T11:09:00.581286-04:00' *jsonl
2024.{"frame_start": 639, "time_start": "TODO-figureout", "data": {"event": "trigger", "acqNum": 0, "logfn": "20240528_run-2.log", "time": 1716908929.1446826, "time_formatted": "2024-05-28T11:08:49.144683-04:00", "keys": ["5"], "keys_time": 1716908940.5812862, "keys_time_str": "2024-05-28T11:09:00.581286-04:00"}, "frame_end": 657, "time_end": "TODO"}

so we got that record on frame 639 (time from video start yet to be determined to establish relationship to t_reproiner etc) for 18 frames.

❯ grep -A1 -E '15:(0[789]|1[0123]):.*alink_byte.*496' 20240528-105648.jsonl
.... there came bunch for run-01, then break in time/lines and beginning of run-02: ...
{"epoch_time": 1716908940.610456, "iso_time": "2024-05-28T15:09:00.610456+00:00", "time": 406.82571899999994, "alink_byte": 496, "alink_flags": 2}

so we have 11:09:00.610456 in t_birch

❯ grep -A1 -E '11:(09|1[0123])' 2024-05-28T11.csv | head -n 2

so 200ms pulse at 11:09:00.614422 in t_reproiner

yarikoptic commented 1 month ago

FWIW we have got a new data sample (again from my laptop :-/ ) which was pushed to typhon,

full content of repo ```shell yoh@typhon:/data/repronim/reproflow-data-sync$ find * -maxdepth 2 code code/ ses-20240528 ses-20240528/DICOMS ses-20240528/DICOMS/001-anat-scout_ses-{date} ses-20240528/DICOMS/002-anat-scout_ses-{date}_MPR_sag ses-20240528/DICOMS/003-anat-scout_ses-{date}_MPR_cor ses-20240528/DICOMS/004-anat-scout_ses-{date}_MPR_tra ses-20240528/DICOMS/005-func-bold_task-rest_run-1 ses-20240528/DICOMS/006-func-bold_task-rest_run-1 ses-20240528/DICOMS/007-func-bold_task-rest_run-2 ses-20240528/ ses-20240528/psychopy ses-20240528/psychopy/20240528-1.log ses-20240528/psychopy/20240528_run-1.log ses-20240528/psychopy/20240528_run-2.log ses-20240528/psychopy/ ses-20240528/reprostim-videos ses-20240528/reprostim-videos/2024. ses-20240528/reprostim-videos/2024. ses-20240528/reprostim-videos/2024. ses-20240528/reprostim-videos/2024. ses-20240528/reprostim-videos/2024. ses-20240528/reprostim-videos/2024. ses-20240528/reprostim-videos/2024. ses-20240528/reprostim-videos/2024. ses-20240528/reprostim-videos/2024. ses-20240528/reprostim-videos/2024. ses-20240528/reprostim-videos/2024. ses-20240528/reprostim-videos/2024. ses-20240528/reprostim-videos/2024. ses-20240528/reprostim-videos/2024. ses-20240528/reprostim-videos/2024. ses-20240528/reproevents ses-20240528/reproevents/2024-05-28T11.csv ses-20240528/reproevents/ ses-20240528/birch ses-20240528/birch/20240528-105648.jsonl ses-20240604 ses-20240604/DICOMS ses-20240604/DICOMS/001-anat-scout_ses-{date} ses-20240604/DICOMS/002-anat-scout_ses-{date}_MPR_sag ses-20240604/DICOMS/003-anat-scout_ses-{date}_MPR_cor ses-20240604/DICOMS/004-anat-scout_ses-{date}_MPR_tra ses-20240604/DICOMS/005-func-bold_task-rest_run-1 ses-20240604/DICOMS/006-func-bold_task-rest_run-2 ses-20240604/DICOMS/007-func-bold_task-rest_run-3 ses-20240604/DICOMS/008-func-bold_task-rest_run-4 ses-20240604/ ses-20240604/birch ses-20240604/birch/out.jsonl ses-20240604/psychopy ses-20240604/psychopy/20240604_run-1.log ses-20240604/psychopy/20240604_run-2.log ses-20240604/psychopy/20240604_run-3.log ses-20240604/psychopy/20240604_run-4.log ses-20240604/psychopy/ ses-20240604/reproevents ses-20240604/reproevents/events.csv ses-20240604/reprostim-videos ses-20240604/reprostim-videos/2024. ses-20240604/reprostim-videos/2024. ses-20240604/reprostim-videos/2024. ses-20240604/reprostim-videos/2024. ```

but to facilitate collaboration etc I now pushed that dataset also to , so you can datalad clone it and get files. Could you @vmdocua please look at that which should have all the qrcodes and should be having good "duration" , to adjust the Parsing/ so it reports frames/time since the video beginning until that QR code?

vmdocua commented 1 week ago

First round done:

  1. To analyse QR codes and data was used command on @typhon like listed below with the latest tool:
/reprostim/Parsing$ ./ --log-level INFO /data/repronim/reproflow-data-sync/ses-20240604/reprostim-videos/2024. >
  1. Script execution results were copied to @typhon:/data/repronim/reproflow-data-sync.analysis/ses-20240604/ location.

  2. Just fragment sample for a parsed QR record:

QR: QrRecord(frames=[16089, 16119], pos=[268.133, 268.633 sec], start_time=2024-06-04 13:56:04.753000, end_time=2024-06-04 13:56:05.253000], data={'event': 'trigger', 'acqNum': 7, 'logfn': '20240604_run-3.log', 'time': 1717523763.3222332, 'time_formatted': '2024-06-04T13:56:03.322233-04:00', 'keys': ['5'], 'keys_time': 1717523764.7378685, 'keys_time_str': '2024-06-04T13:56:04.737869-04:00'})
 - QR code time : 2024-06-04 13:56:04.753000
 - Event time   : 2024-06-04 13:56:03.322233 / dt=-1.430767 sec
 - Keys time    : 2024-06-04 13:56:04.737869 / dt=-0.015131 sec
yarikoptic commented 1 week ago

Cool, thank you! Most likely we would also want some json output mode so we have it machine readable