Most of the reprostim functionality depends on MAGEWELL which is oriented around video recordings.
But in some studies, e.g. mentioned by @dnkennedy , there could be purely audio recordings. It should be quite trivial to setup audio recording in general -- just audio splitter component looped into recording device or existing on the device "line-in". Then we need a relatively easy program which would listen on audio input and dump it into files, ideally with lossless compression (flac?), with some configurable options on detection of the beginning/end of recording. Might be "one file for entire day" or "stop after 1h of silence" (to be sure).
Then our "slicing" functionality should be agnostic either it is .mkv or .flac to slice the file into BIDS based on harmoneously recorded metadata. Related:
attn @vmdocua
Related question/concern is fingerprinting with exact stimuli time information. In video we can use QR codes. In audio would need some other means if we decide to do that somehow at the level of stimuli delivery.
@dnkennedy could you provide more information on what type of audio stimuli we are talking about and how it is presented to the subjects?
Most of the reprostim functionality depends on MAGEWELL which is oriented around video recordings.
But in some studies, e.g. mentioned by @dnkennedy , there could be purely audio recordings. It should be quite trivial to setup audio recording in general -- just audio splitter component looped into recording device or existing on the device "line-in". Then we need a relatively easy program which would listen on audio input and dump it into files, ideally with lossless compression (flac?), with some configurable options on detection of the beginning/end of recording. Might be "one file for entire day" or "stop after 1h of silence" (to be sure).
Then our "slicing" functionality should be agnostic either it is .mkv or .flac to slice the file into BIDS based on harmoneously recorded metadata. Related:
attn @vmdocua
Related question/concern is fingerprinting with exact stimuli time information. In video we can use QR codes. In audio would need some other means if we decide to do that somehow at the level of stimuli delivery.
@dnkennedy could you provide more information on what type of audio stimuli we are talking about and how it is presented to the subjects?