RequestNetwork / requestNetwork

A JavaScript library for interacting with the Request Network protocol
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Deploy and migrate to new version of EthereumFeeProxy - can't send fees to a multisig #1149

Open MantisClone opened 1 year ago

MantisClone commented 1 year ago


  1. Received report from hacker at ETHWarsaw that EtheruemFeeProxy transferWithReferenceAndFee() reverts if feeAmount is set to 0. The workaround was to set 1 wei fee. 👍

  2. The EthereumFeeProxy transfers fees using .transfer() which has a hardcoded gas limit of 2300. Smart contract wallets like Safe have logic in their payable fallback() functions that require gas so .transfer() is not compatible with recipients that are smart contract wallets. Use .call() instead.

Definition of Done

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Migrated from Asana:

MantisClone commented 6 months ago

The EthereumFeeProxy allows you to send 0 fee ✅ see