RequestPolicy / requestpolicy

RequestPolicy is a Firefox extension that gives you control over cross-site requests. --- Be sure to look at the dev-1.0 branch as that's where all of the interesting work is happening. See also:
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UI not intuitive for new / unsuspecting users... #132

Open jsamuel opened 12 years ago

jsamuel commented 12 years ago
imported trac ticket
created: 2010-08-31 10:01:22
reporter: JM


I can not see images when I use Google Image search, so I had to disable RequestPolicy.


jsamuel commented 12 years ago
imported trac comment
created: 2010-08-31 10:24:30
author: justin

Hi, I can't repeat this. Could you post here an example of an origin and destination from a blocked request? You can see this information in !RequestPolicy's "Request Log" (they can be copied to the clipboard through the context menu shown by right-clicking on the items in the request log).

jsamuel commented 12 years ago
imported trac comment
created: 2010-08-31 10:27:30
author: justin

Note that when you click on an image in Google's image search, it then takes you to a view that has the site with the image embedded in an iframe. If this is the image you're referring to that's blocked, you either need to "allow from to X" when you see the blocked image, or, if you don't want to have to deal with this again and you don't mind not restricting requests originating from google, then you can "allow all from".

jsamuel commented 12 years ago
imported trac comment
created: 2010-09-03 10:28:08
author: JM

Thanks for the prompt response, if you get to see the images of google search for it with the right mouse button on one of the images I pressed: Allow requests for

Is that as I find no manual for this program, nor knew he functions with the right mouse button, I have said is a failure of it, but no. As you can eliminate this bug.


jsamuel commented 12 years ago
imported trac comment
created: 2011-02-20 15:21:03
author: eibwen

Believe the original issue is self-resolved as of [ticket:132#comment:3]; however, it does underscore that installing requestpolicy does fundamentally change the way the internet (and firefox specifically) "works" by inserting a nsIContentPolicy.shouldLoad() filter.

End user documentation should be updated to clearly indicate what is happening, why things are different, and how to (selectively) get that blocked "stuff" back.

When the UI is updated to make blocked items more clearly evident to the user, we should probably include a "HELP / Tutorial" link to this documentation. This seems prudent as someone unaware of request policy could readily try to use a profile of another user who had previously installed the extension -- this scenario could lead to particular confusion for the unsuspecting user. Even if they were to identify that "someone" had done "something", they would have little course to resolve the conflict and achieve their objectives of simply loading a page and getting it to "work"...

Granted {{{AdBlock+}}} (and presumably other extensions) implement nsIContentPolicy.shouldLoad(); however, at least in the case of {{{AdBlock+}}}, the unsuspecting user probably doesn't even care if the ads are missing -- its probably a bonus in that scenario.

jsamuel commented 12 years ago
imported trac comment
created: 2011-02-20 15:38:08
author: eibwen

Changed summary to reflect observations in [ticket:132#comment:4].

There are several aspects to this, ie: {{{ (1) Learning about shouldLoad() policy (2) Identifying when something is blocked (may not even have a directly visible effect, eg a script) (3) Identifying what was blocked (not necessarily known to be missing) (4) Determining what to permit (5) Identifying policy required to achieve a specific effect (6) Learning to use the UI to modify policy }}}

Request Policy is a good thing; however, the above limits the audience who can benefit.