RequestPolicy / requestpolicy

RequestPolicy is a Firefox extension that gives you control over cross-site requests. --- Be sure to look at the dev-1.0 branch as that's where all of the interesting work is happening. See also:
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Display blocked resource types next to domains #256

Open jsamuel opened 12 years ago

jsamuel commented 12 years ago
imported trac ticket
created: 2011-08-23 03:10:27
reporter: mickeyc

When I go to a site which pulls in content from many locations, it's sometimes difficult to know which destinations to unblock to get the site into some sort of readable state. It's almost always achievable by unblocking the one destination where the main CSS is hosted.

I would like it if next to each blocked domain it had a list of the type of resources that have been blocked. Eg: (css,img) (js) (iframe)

This could be an optional feature, disabled by default, if you think it would cause too much clutter or information overload.

dlmiles commented 11 years ago

Even better have some mini icons next to the domain (instead of text). Other resource types are "XMLRequest Async, Websocket, Websocket SSL" with optionally a text count after the icon for the number of objects. With an option in a submenu to pick only certain types of resources to be unblocked.

Also when you release a domain, you only release it for the types indicated at the time, is a JS decides it then wants to load IMG from the same domain it should appear again in the list and be blocked..

The icon colour and normal/bold style can also indicate other things, such if that type is already enabled, if the object is directly from the main HTML being viewed or has been added to the page via JS (or other similar mechanism). Sometimes you are happy to load all the objects directly in the page but not things added by JS. The idea is to be looking at the page as-if JS was turned off.

Anyhow maybe some of these ideas are not possible but this is more food for thought in and around the general idea I have for this feature.

avdd commented 10 years ago

Also somehow show the domain for image placeholder icons (e.g. tooltip).

Sites with many resources are super annoying to use with RP.

Fixing #406 is half the story.

Perhaps a tree menu showing the blocked resources under their respective domains.

[+] (img:20) [+] (script:2) [-] --[+] scripts --[-] stylesheets ---- main.css ---- print.css