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Expert Search Feature Based on Hub/(Sub)Field Specific Reputation #82

Open dominikusbrian opened 1 month ago

dominikusbrian commented 1 month ago

When the new Rep V2 is up, perhaps the search feature could also get an upgrade to allow for user (be it individual/team/organization) doing RnD to search for expert across ResearchHub. Similar to what UMich (Univ. of Michigan) have here.

This feature will be useful for researcher/RH user looking forward to find expert with specific background. Also can be used by editor to filter a potential expert peer-review for a given paper. Maybe a filter for user that are still recently active (posting paper, comment, etc) in addition to having the right expertise will be helpful too.


There's a feature for collaboration network could be considered too. But this is secondary, since the co-author suggestions and relationships already in first-degree accounted for this. image

dominikusbrian commented 1 month ago

Down the road The expert search system would then can be integrated into a Peer-Reviewer Matching system. A problem that are well defined and is still challenging for many journals/society. image See similar tools from Clarivate for reference :