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Subscribe button to get better "For You" content reel. #91

Open dominikusbrian opened 1 month ago

dominikusbrian commented 1 month ago

At this point of RH development the For You tab do not show any meaningful difference to the frontpage contents. They are basically showing the same stuff with randomly different orders.

As a possible solution to this there are two strategy could be pursued:

  1. Developing a very smart recommendation system.
  2. Add a subscribe / follow button.

The second strategy seems to be more appealing especially in DeSci ecosystem where we want user to be more in control of what they are getting and not simply prey to the recommendation algorithm. The subscribe button could be available to subscribe or follow: Authori, Hubs, or particular paper/post. The for you tab will simply be a clean version of the live-feed or frontpage showing only relevant stuff one already subscribed or following.

Google Scholar, ResearchGate, have some form of this subscribe/follow button so that user can get recommendation about latest paper/preprints/citation by the authors they follow or subscribe right to their inbox.

This subscribe/follow count also then opens up a new metrics that in the future can get into the equation of judging author's or work acceptance in the community. The metrics, much like how it works in YouTube could be an attraction in itself. People who have published preprint elsewhere might drop their stuff in ResearchHub to gain followers and traction, along with it a "Distribution Channel" to distribute their research to passionate and interested researcher in the future.

If this done right, this may as well topple or take a share of the traditional Journal Publication system, that boast themselves as the authoritative distribution channel for trusted and peer-reviewed scientific knowledge. Since ResearchHub already have many of the infrastructure to do peer-review and so on, the kind of content published by Researcher could be categorized differently depending on whether rigorous peer-review by domain expert has been performed.


dominikusbrian commented 1 month ago

The analogy is pretty clear here shown in the tweet below. In the Web 3.0 version of the digital publication we want it to move from read-write to a read-write-own. So having these subscribe or follow button as a way to track the "eyeball counts" and with it partial value of the paper, would make the valuation of this decentralized ownership of paper become something that is more manageable.


dominikusbrian commented 1 month ago

Still digging down this rabbit hole.

The narrative to allow scientific researcher connect directly to their True Readers (guys who are actually reading their work and citing it properly, then use or got inspired by the work) and get most benefit from their interaction and contribution to this True Readers would be game changer.

Currently a lot of the profit or values generated by the knowledge created were first reap by publishers, universities, and many other institutions before actually, in some form , get to the hands of the researcher. In an ideal world, Researcher should be the one reaping this benefit first, before then they will contribute back their profit to platform and services that helps them do their research. I believe ResearchHub is currently well-positioned to spark a movement toward this direction, starting with disrupting the traditional knowledge distribution channel currently controlled by Publisher and Journals both in terms of tradional paywall or open-access APC.

This video give very great narrative of how things has changed over the decades for Content Creatives in the space of Art and Digital Arts. Which then gave birth to platform like Patreon.

Link to Video image