ResearchObject / ro-crate

Research Object Crate
Apache License 2.0
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Issue: A number of new @context terms in 1.2 that don't resolve to human readble definitions #251

Closed ptsefton closed 1 year ago

ptsefton commented 1 year ago

Not sure what we can do about this but a number of new terms have been added that are not from


          "hasArtifact": "",
          "hasResource": "",
          "hasRole": "",
          "hasToken": "",
          "isInheritedFrom": "",
          "isProfileOf": "",
          "isTransitiveProfileOf": "",
          "ResourceDescriptor": "",
          "ResourceRole": "",
          "Profile": "",

These do not resolve to HTML pages and some of them look like they may cause confusion as they are similar to existing terms eg hasResource vs hasPart and hasRole vs's Role class. If we need these terms we may have to put up some pages that provide descriptions and add a mechanism for Crate viewer applications to link to the online definitions.

stain commented 1 year ago

Agree that this is not pretty, w3 has done better job on others like -- we're meeting the Profile editor later this month so can also request a HTML.

Should we anyway add these to the eat-own-dogfood RO-Crate (but fot 1.2) using DefinedTerm? Then it can become the base Profile Crate.

The terms are also defined in (which would not be machine readable) but perhaps that should also link to the corresponding HTML definition.

stain commented 1 year ago

Previewer adds (?) link per term and these term don't resolve to anything useful for people.