ResearchObject / workflow-run-crate

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CQ4 - environment/container file #12

Open simleo opened 2 years ago

simleo commented 2 years ago

What is the environment/container file used in a specific workflow execution step?

Similar to the configuration file (#11) problem. Need env dump support from workflow engine.

stain commented 1 year ago

This could be a resolved Conda environment (conda export), a resolved Docker image #9 or others. Need sub-types per environment.

Renske have started modelling this for CWLprov.

simleo commented 1 year ago

One complication here is how many stack levels to represent. E.g. a Conda environment running in a Docker container running on Kubernetes running on OpenStack running on an HPC cluster.

dgarijo commented 1 year ago

In we addressed the basic representation of packages in a container (Docker). But this may be out of the scope of what we intend to do here.

I suggest allowing pointing out to the file that creates the container/environment, or pointing to the id and registry where the container is stored in.

dgarijo commented 1 year ago

Also, the command used to invoke the container/creating the environment is quite useful

simleo commented 1 year ago

It's a bit confusing because we have #9 specifically for Docker images. I guess this is more general, maybe it should be split into multiple ones depending on the level of abstraction (minus Docker, since we already have #9).

ilveroluca commented 1 year ago

Maybe #9 and this issue should be merged. It is necessary to reference container images; the discussion in #9 has so far been dedicated to this. CQ1/#9 is concerned with compiling a list of all images use by the run. That list can be compiled by collecting the images from all workflow execution steps as described by the spec part which will come out of this issue.

GlassOfWhiskey commented 1 year ago

Yes but container images are not the only remote environment supported by WMSs. For example, StreamFlow can offload each step of a workflow to a different environment (a Cloud VM, a bare metal node, an HPC Queue manager, a local Docker, etc.). Plus, with the following release it will be possible to stack the things (e.g., a SLURM Queue Manager over an SSH-connected node, a Singularity container over a Queue Manager over SSH, etc.)

I fear that the pure ontology cannot represent these things effectively enough. I think that if we want to capture these scenarios we have to move to external ontologies. One example is the very recent GAIA-X Ontology. However, it is more provider-oriented than consumer-oriented. Indeed, the link between the resource and a software consumer seems to be missing.

ilveroluca commented 1 year ago

Ok. I think we're mixing two orthogonal things though. On the one hand we have the environment in which the process is executed, while on the other we have the method through which the compute infrastructure is accessed to get resources and instantiate the environment.

The first is the essential part. For that the container image, or conda environment, or indeed VM image seems sufficient. Instead, for the latter to me it seems debatable whether it is even interesting enough to be captured in most cases.

Taking containers as an example, my point is that generally I would not care much whether you executed a container over SSH, over batch queue or over k8s; I still only need the container image and the command to reproduce what you did.

simleo commented 1 year ago

We could model part of what CWL offers:, especially SoftwareRequirement and ResourceRequirement (see

simleo commented 1 year ago

We could model part of what CWL offers:, especially SoftwareRequirement and ResourceRequirement (see RenskeW/runcrate-analysis#4 (comment))

That's more about the prospective part actually. Unless we can make some sort of mapping from prospective to retrospective.

kinow commented 6 months ago

I attended a NIST conference a few days ago where they discussed FAIR containerized computational software. They created a manifest there:

Maybe there's something interesting there for this issue too.


stain commented 2 months ago

Could @jmfernandez have a look if there is a way to indicate type of environment file?

stain commented 2 months ago

Nextflow uses both conda channels and list of packages. In Nextflow this is per step in the workflow. In other cases it can be an external environmental file like in Snakemake. CWL lists them in SoftwareRequirement but without conda channel.

jmfernandez commented 2 months ago

I have just learnt that for Nextflow, all the possible variants are available:

Environmental file

Single dependency

Multiple dependencies

jmfernandez commented 2 months ago

About CWL, due its versatility there is no fixed way to represent it. The main path is the "SoftwarePackage", which is a definition hanging on SoftwareRequirement following different fashions.

So, the CWL engine implemenetation has to know what Conda is, it needs a "conda" mode, and it has to implement a dependency resolver which recognizes the prefixes from the conda package IRIs .

stain commented 3 weeks ago

(Decided in call 2024-06-04)