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GI report format modification #54

Closed BardiaHeidari closed 8 years ago

BardiaHeidari commented 8 years ago

We decided to drop the property value increase side of co-benefit assessment out, since it is uncertain and is controversial. In other words it relies heavily on sales statistics and do not pass highly credible economic evaluations.

BardiaHeidari commented 8 years ago

Addition of Urban Heat Island mitigation effects to the co-benefit assessment models is another possibility. Sammy has conducted UHI mitigation assessment using ANN for Gwens Fall watershed. Bardia and Sammy will talk about the possibility.

BardiaHeidari commented 8 years ago

We decided to use spider plots as a platform to demonstrate difference in performance metric- i.e. environmental benefits, economic cost, and hydro logical performance. In other words, we want to allow users to see the effects of their designs. To do so, we need to keep a record of all workfows they have created and interactively compare them to each other.

BardiaHeidari commented 8 years ago

To facilitate communication of results to the users, we are going to modify units of some of the reported benefits. Here are some of the modifications: 1- Stormwater capture: will be reported both in mm and mm/household and mm/ piece of GI 2- Air quality uptake: will be reported in Ib/year and Ib/year/piece of GI

selimnairb commented 8 years ago

Storage of output results from a scenario run is summarized in #59.

ArielKW commented 8 years ago

We are adding peak flow from IUHM of both scenarios for 2-yr, 5-yr,10-yr, and 100-yr return period storms to report. The duration of the storms selected are still under discussion. I would suggest some duration like 2-hr and 24-hr for the storms we are looking at.

Further discussion of which one of the peak flow (which frequency and duration) should be selected for the report.

BardiaHeidari commented 8 years ago

We decided to add pictures/ maps of the watershed inside the report for a more informative visualization of the design scenarios.

BardiaHeidari commented 8 years ago

We decided to provide more descriptions on the titles shown inside the tables.

BardiaHeidari commented 8 years ago

There is a need for better clarity on design scenario specifics, including footprint and number of GI.

BardiaHeidari commented 8 years ago

We need to add per treated impervious area into the titles.

BardiaHeidari commented 8 years ago

Using i-Tree methodologies, we need to extract empirical equations to estimate residential energy savings.

BardiaHeidari commented 8 years ago

We need to add another page inside the report citing references and explaining methodologies, especially for qualitative benefits.

BardiaHeidari commented 8 years ago

Scenario that are going ot be compared to each other will be selected under a UI discussed under #64.

BardiaHeidari commented 8 years ago

We need to change some of the cost units from millions to thousands.