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RHESSys parameter input for DataWolf #66

Closed whitton1212 closed 8 years ago

whitton1212 commented 8 years ago

List of parameters and their type associate the min/max for each, granularity? UI for setting these before a run

LATER: copy last parameter set into fields

selimnairb commented 8 years ago

The -s option can take 2 or 3 parameters, with the first two being required:

-s m k z

m = Decay of lateral saturated hydraulic conductivity with depth (multiplier)

Range: 0.01 - 20.0

k = Lateral saturated hydraulic conductivity (multiplier)

Range: 1.0 - 150.0

z = Soil depth (value in units of meters)

Range: 0.1 - 10.0

The -sv option takes 2 parameters:

-sv m k

m = Decay of vertical saturated hydraulic conductivity with depth (multiplier)

Range: 0.01 - 20.0

k = Vertical saturated hydraulic conductivity (multiplier)

Range: 1.0 - 150.0

The -gw option takes 2 parameters:

-gw gw1 gw2

gw1 = Proportion of temporary surface water storage that bypasses the soil column and is added directly to ground water storage

Range: 0.001 - 0.3

gw2 = Proportion of ground water storage that contributes to hill slope stream flow during each model time step

Range: 0.01 - 0.9

selimnairb commented 8 years ago

@indira1026 @navarroc I've added the default parameter ranges for RHESSys sensitivity parameters. See #66.

selimnairb commented 8 years ago

@indira1026 Here is the issue showing the parameter ranges.