ResidentMario / wargame

A LaTeX guide to unit values in the strategic RTS game "Wargame: Red Dragon".
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Hi, are you interested in expanding the data? #1

Open TK3600 opened 2 years ago

TK3600 commented 2 years ago

I am a very experienced modder who has discovered quite a few new things. Do you accept further revisions?

ResidentMario commented 2 years ago

Yeah I'd be down to update this reference, I know a lot of people have found it helpful over the years.

TK3600 commented 2 years ago

Lets start with AI; I am specialized in that area.

ai module

comportementIAstrat (AI unit behaviour)

1 arty 2 close range arty? burritino special?? 3 tanks, inf; main attacking units 4 SAM 5 command 6 spaag 7 recon 8 supply convoy? (navy dont look supplying) (HEMTT) 9 unarmed transport 10 ASF 11 Bomber/unarmed strike plane 12 multi-role 13 SEAD 14 flagships 15 AshM ships 16 river boats

typeforpoolselection (How AI prioritize use it)

1 (missin ADATS AI) [null] [referenced in ai] 2 unarmed ATGM attack plane 3 basic transport 4 ATGM heli 5 AT+AA heli 6 SAM 7 SPAAG 8 ASF 9 AShM plane 10 naval heli 11 Ashm land launcher 12 tracked CV car 13 armored supply vehicle 14 tank CV, no shit given to any threat 15 recon combat vehicle 16 tube arty 17 (missing RR vehicle) [null] 18 (missing cl vehicle type referenced in AI) (anti vehicle?) [null] 19 naval transport 20 unarmed bomber/napalm 21 calvry tank 22 [null] (missing cluster bomber) 23 heli CV 24 car CV, run away from danger 25 inf SF 26 recon coastal support 27 arty boat 28 [null] DEPR 29 inf milia recon 30 [null] (missing elite infantry) 31 CIWS+missle combat escort 32 Air defense corvette 33 CIWS patrol boat 34 ASM boat 35 FIST 36 command ship 37 coaster CV chip 38 flame tanks 39 gun+aa helo 40 gunship 41 IFV, ignores some threat; somewhat suicidal. 42 [null] (missing support infantry type) 43 inf line 44 MANPADS 45 inf atgm 46 inf CV, only hide in specific spots? Dont move. 47 inf combat recon 48 interceptors (tomcat/mig31m) 49 light inf 50 Basic tanks 51 expensive tanks 85+ 52 Medium tanks 45-85 53 MLRS 54 Militias 55 Mortar 56 multirole plane; 57 naval supply ship 58 recon heli 59 recon car 60 SEAD 61 inf sf recon 62 supply trucks 63 FOB 64 supply helli 65 fire support vehicle 66 Fodders/FSV (tank destroyer) 67 transport heli 68 inf flamer