ResonantGeoData / RD-OpenGeo

Resonant GeoData primary deployment
Apache License 2.0
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Add heroku deploy cron job #23

Closed banesullivan closed 2 years ago

banesullivan commented 2 years ago

Resolve #22 by deploying from GitHub actions rather than Heroku's automatic deploys connected to GitHub

banesullivan commented 2 years ago

Bummer... I was hoping that by using pip's git protocol that the commit hash would be used somehow and prevent this... I really have no idea how any of that works under the hood.

Does Heroku's python build utility perform caching itself, or is it just saving the pip cache?

banesullivan commented 2 years ago

Perhaps here:

I need to specify a commit hash as well and have the CI update that hash in the cron job?

banesullivan commented 2 years ago

Closing and using dependabot with a regular release cycle from ResonantGeoData