Respect / Rest

Thin controller for RESTful applications
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OAuth #86

Open wesleyvicthor opened 11 years ago

wesleyvicthor commented 11 years ago

What do you guys think about this API for an OAuth client ?

I was looking for something simple but I not found anything.

thoughts ? @nickl-

alganet commented 11 years ago

I'm putting some thought on this but I'm not happy with any solution =/. We need to think of another use cases:

1 - Set an example with actual OAuth configuration. Some for Twitter (1.0a) or Facebook (2.0) just for us to get in touch with a real sample including even some API call to these services (no need to abstract that, just a file_get_contents with a stream_context_create). 2 - Explore use cases for when the user rejects the authorization, when it expires and so on. 3 - Try to use a single routine instead of two. The ->oauth could be a route though, but it needs to be named that way (oauthRoute for example, like we already have for exceptionRoute and errorRoute).

tplessis commented 11 years ago

Is there any improvments on this implementation?

nickl- commented 11 years ago

@tplessis the quickest way would be to start write the tests perhaps and start it as a pull request. That is ultimately the way to get participation and get things done.

I agree with @alganet that the current implementations are overly complicated and these can be obfuscated internally without exposing only a simple interface similar to basic auth. To be able to test the actually use cases we will need some tests or similar implementations to thrash around.

Wikipedia has a list of Oath service providers and the API versions they implemented.

Suggestions welcome...

alganet commented 11 years ago

This seems to be a good library:

nickl- commented 11 years ago

Wow awesome list of features, talk about the kitchen sink of OAuth and then some.

@alganet are you suggesting we include this in Respect/Rest, seems a bit over the top.

Shouldn't we be considering something that would provide both client and server capabilities perhaps, Respect/Rest would equally benefit from being able to provide token based third party auth.

I had a look at quizlet/oauth2-php several months ago which was a fork off an older module (2 years plus) seems to be abandoned now as well. It does have 15 suggested pull requests open of the 21 issues accrued over a year which should say something, not sure what. Looking at the member forks it would seem FriendsOfSymfony/oauth2-php has done the most work since and has itself accrued 2 outstanding PRs. Perhaps it needs some TLC and panda loving? Beats starting from scratch...

wesleyvicthor commented 11 years ago

the core code sucks. :x I really do not like it. the use is cool, but the code... it is bad.

dylmye commented 8 years ago

Hi, I hate to bump a 3 year old issue but is there any update?

augustohp commented 8 years ago

Hi, I hate to bump a 3 year old issue but is there any update?

Not actually, the main problem is hot to plug it into the library without making it "bloated". I figure that what you want is to have something minimal configuration and that already works, right? What would be your use-case scenario and how do you want it to work?

dylmye commented 8 years ago

To be honest, I'm not too sure. In PHP I'm making a dashboard website and app, so I'm wanting to make an API to power both of them. The senario is a school/workplace type environment where users are accessing a dashboard over the internet. I want to make an API both the website and a app would use. I'm open to solutions. Thanks @augustohp :) (Ninja Edit: punctuate)