Respect / Validation

The most awesome validation engine ever created for PHP
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Cannot call abstract method 'StaticValidator::allOf' in PhpStorm #1362

Closed ilkinabd-talk closed 2 years ago

ilkinabd-talk commented 2 years ago

After update PhpStorm this error appeared Please look at screenshot

Screen Shot 2021-08-03 at 10 58 54

sunchuo commented 2 years ago

me too

jklee210104 commented 2 years ago

Can i solve this issue please?

bradxpeters commented 2 years ago


russelomua commented 2 years ago

Latest version of PhpStorm is require to implement all methods of interface Respect\Validation\StaticValidator

I see to way to fix it:

  1. Write code for all of methods in class
  2. Transfer description of methods from interface to DocBlock of Respect\Validation\Validator

i think second way will be prefer, example: 2021-08-16 132423

russelomua commented 2 years ago

Have some problems with defining union type of @method argument in DocBlock. So types not be same as in interface.

First way is most aquracy but to complicated an affect an php execution 2021-08-16 141816

Second way is not aqure but simple and not affecred php stack trace

Repository owners please give a feedback

nkrovex commented 2 years ago

We are waiting for feedback from the repository owner :)

alganet commented 2 years ago

I'm willing to help if someone wants to fix this.

We also need to check if the solutions proposed work on other popular editors such as VSCode. Anyone willing to report how autocompletion behaves over there?

emhohensee commented 2 years ago

Any word on this getting addressed?

zavg commented 2 years ago


dericlima commented 2 years ago


esleyalves commented 2 years ago


nixoncode commented 2 years ago

Am on phpstorm@2021.2.3 and facing the same false error reporting

n00dl3 commented 2 years ago

I found a twitter conversation about this issue. It seems to be an IntelliJ regresion and according to the referenced ticket, the issue seems to be fixed with the latest IntelliJ version ( 2021.3).

I now use the latest beta version ( IntelliJ IDEA 2021.3 Beta (Ultimate Edition)) and I don't experience this issue anymore.

Download links for EAP versions:

alganet commented 2 years ago

@n00dl3 awesome! Thanks for the investigative work. I'm closing this for now.