Respect / Validation

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define different error messages #1383

Closed Bruce-chai closed 1 year ago

Bruce-chai commented 2 years ago

How to define different error messages for the same rule for different fields

illumws commented 1 year ago

translate fuction

function translate($message) // message = {{name}} must not be empty
    // your translation code
    return str_replace($message, 'O campo {{name}} não pode ser vazio.', $message);

binding translate function to factory

    (new Factory())->withTranslator('translate')

validate and get message

try {
    $value = [];
    Validator::notEmpty()->setName('cidades')->check($value);    // cidades = cities
} catch (Throwable $e){
    echo $e->getMessage(); // result - O campo cidades não pode ser vazio.
nickl- commented 1 year ago

Closed: asked and answered