Respect / Validation

The most awesome validation engine ever created for PHP
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Increase CanValidateDateTimeTest invalid data test coverage #1460

Open agchan12 opened 1 month ago

agchan12 commented 1 month ago



This change is to ensure Respect\Validation is intentional about the DateTime formats.

For context the ISO 8601 standard says that we shouldn't accept -00:00 (or anything similar) offsets.

I noticed that there was an a change in how CanValidateDateTime.php behaved from v2.2 to v2.3.

Prior to v2.3 date time formats of 2018-01-30T19:04:35-00:00 (note the -00:00) would pass validation. After updating to v2.3 the format is not accepted.

This is because the DateTime::createFromFormat accepts the $value of 2018-01-30T19:04:35-00:00 but internally converts the -00:00 to +00:00

            $formattedDate = DateTime::createFromFormat(
                new DateTimeZone(date_default_timezone_get())

This in turn causes the validation around $value !== $formattedDate->format($format)) to fail

            if ($formattedDate === false || $value !== $formattedDate->format($format)) {
                return false;

Follow up

Since PHP internally converts the -00:00 to a +00:00, will Respect\Validation ever consider accepting a format of -00:00 (and other offshoots of the -0000 time offsets) 😄 ?