Closed nickl- closed 9 years ago
@Respect Request for PSR-2 change at php-fig/fig-standards#101
Excuse the high english I thought it best to be a bit formal to help us get the change
Done with that, nope no success. Basically we can forget about changing anything it just aint going to happen. If they were members only it would seem they are heading towards even more so members only.
In response to so many request to change the will be realeasing a response to PSR-2 apparently which goes something like.
We'll wait and see...
Hey @Respect/troubleshooters, it's been a while since this issue was opened, and this is probably a tl; dr issue. Any way, after almost 2 years of PSR adoption do you really think we should keep or own standards or use the FIG ones?
I'm in favor of FIG ones
Use FIG.
Let's FIG!
@Respect I am opening this issue again here since discussions that took place at Respect/Validation#106 was on a PR that can't be re-opened and we need to come to a conclusion on this matter.
Recap on what's been said
Our Principles
Our current standards
We have our Coding-Standards including a sample code example so it's not that we do not have something to work with and desperately in need of some guidelines.
Our sample did actually end up being 1 of the 22 surveyed, did anyone know that? Even though we only had an, 0.8th of a vote I still say kudos Respect! If they just dropped us a line in the interim we could've given them a full example with all the information required for their evaluation. But this is the point...
What are the PSRs for
What is this whole rigmarole all about, lets hear what Paul Jones wrote in Jun from PHP-FIG said just after the initial PSR Coding style release:
So there you have it from the horses mouth, even though they "considered" our practices, purely because we had an example available, we actually have nothing to do with FIG, PSRs or what they may or may not stand for. I know we previously discussed the possibility of applying for membership and perhaps we need to step up and represent. Bottom line, if we want to align ourselves with FIG we need a voting member on the ranks.
We are not having it as bad as others, recently PSR-3 Logger Interface was finalized in our absense but this was also news to log4php who was not considered, approached or informed about their intended new list of Log levels EMERGENCY, ALERT, CRITICAL, ERROR, WARNING, NOTICE, INFO, DEBUG, which are strings and not bitmask values like we are used to, by the way. In comparison the log4php LogLevel class defines OFF, FATAL, ERROR, WARN, INFO, DEBUG, TRACE, ALL which is already closer to what we are used to from the PHP Error Constants and they are numbers as you can see.
Not consulting the current experts in the field, proposing new practices without any technical considerations it is no wonder; the request to have PSR-0 included in PHP core saw resistance from the greater PHP community and is considered broken, PSR-3 shows no Respect for PHP and without bitmasks is also broken! The only thing we all seem to agree on is PSR-1 and if we can't even have consensus on "standards" or at least agree that it works, then the whole concept is flawed.
The facts are:
My objections with parts of PSR-2 are those aspects that go against our principals; it results in less concise code, which are messy and no pleasure to work with and tries to change PHP. I agree with @alganet we abide by standards whether we like them or not, but the whole thing with standards are that they have consensus, are thoroughly thought out, works and these are not standards. The question is, for what we might gain by adopting these, is it worth giving up everything we stand for?
To FIG or not to FIG
If we do want to be a part of the movement and we think we can change their minds and modify the guidelines, it starts with applying for membership and having a voting member involved. Even though I still feel the same way, that we are small and better served utilizing the available resources for what we aim to accomplish. I will not stand in the way. If someone else wants the extra responsibility you will have my support. If however you are unable to sway them towards reason and common sense, my continued resistance to blindly adopt anything considered broken without sufficient modification to rectify the faults, can be expected.
In the meantime can we please agree to reallign with our principles and get back to using our code styles now?