ResponsiveBP / Responsive

:iphone: A super lightweight HTML, Sass, CSS, and JavaScript framework for building responsive websites
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V5 #92

Open JimBobSquarePants opened 7 years ago

JimBobSquarePants commented 7 years ago

With the establishment of evergreen browsers and greater standardisation across platforms, It's time to start work on V5.

With this version I'd like to focus on the following:

Please join in the conversation below.

jonrandahl commented 7 years ago

I'm in! 😁

I'll fork this now and send you PRs soon! Any thoughts on a issue tracker system so we're not working on the same issues?

craigs100 commented 7 years ago

+1 from me. Love the term "evergreen browsers". Though I wouldn't include Edge in that list as we still have to hack for it as it doesn't accept "crossorigin" in script references.

JimBobSquarePants commented 7 years ago

That great to hear! @jonrandahl We can create individual issues for each task and subtasks and divvy up work from there. Let me have a good look through the source and see what we can allocate.

@craigs100 I wish I could claim I made it up.. It basically means any browser that auto updates which now includes Edge. Standards wise, Edge is actually pretty sweet now though that CORS issue is nasty!

hamedonline commented 7 years ago

I wish you could also include the support for out-of-the-box masonry grid layout in road map.

JimBobSquarePants commented 7 years ago

It begins!

Just pushed code to a new v5 branch replacing the old grid with a flexbox one. Too easy!

svanlaere commented 6 years ago

Is there any ETA for V5? Just out of curiosity since I have yet to use this framework.

JimBobSquarePants commented 6 years ago

Not, yet, I need to get more people involved to really push forward. Give the framework a go though please and let me know what you think.

jonrandahl commented 6 years ago

Still happy to help with this James, waiting to see what's needed so point me in the right direction and I'll be happy to jump on board!

JimBobSquarePants commented 6 years ago

Thanks! I'll see what I can put together over the next week or so.

svanlaere commented 6 years ago

I like this framework its small and has the basics covered. The focus on accessibility is great this is a important requirement for me. Sure hope to see this project move on.

JimBobSquarePants commented 6 years ago

@svanlaere Thanks, yeah, accessibility is very important to me. Keeping bloat down also.

I definitely have plans, just wanna get the time together and also make sure I'm going the right direction.

JimBobSquarePants commented 6 years ago

Ok so there's finally been some movement here.

I've spent the weekend porting two of the plugins to es6 and have dropped the jQuery dependency.

For DOM manipulation I have been working on separate library called DUM.js which does the heavy lifting for common methods and event handling. It's swish and you should check it out. The development of that library will continue as I figure out what I need from it to build the full RBP framework. My analysis so far indicates that it's almost feature complete.

I'm really pleased with the result of my port so far and will share the code publicly soon in a new branch so you can all help get stuck in and complete it if you're still keen.

JimBobSquarePants commented 6 years ago

v5-dev branch is now where you can see the current development branch for v5

PR's most welcome, let's chat on Gitter!

JimBobSquarePants commented 6 years ago

Dunno who's following my progress here but I've been smashing out the commits recently and have finished porting the main bulk of the JS components.

Modal is next, Flexbox makes it so easy, got a working prototype that is super lightweight already.

I encourage you to download and have a look. 😄

tardinha commented 6 years ago

hey, when do you think V5 will drop?

JimBobSquarePants commented 6 years ago

@tardinha It's a bit of a one-man-show just now to be honest and I've struggle to find the time to devote to it this year since having my first child.

I was hoping that the community would pitch in a little but I do appreciate the complexity of what I am putting together can be daunting.

I'm about 3/4 the way through rewriting the modal plugin and I don't think I'm going to bother with the navigation one as I don't think there's a true one-size-fits-all solution to that.

So... While there's not much to do, It's probably be the second half of the year before I can get a release out.

P.S If anyone reading this has the time to help me migrate the build to Webpack4 that would be great.

tardinha commented 6 years ago

I hear ya... kids come first :)

JimBobSquarePants commented 4 years ago

Just pushed some code. Progress will be slow but it's extremely promising so far.

kahlan88 commented 2 years ago

Hi everyone that's amazing. Are there still plans for v5 at all? Just checking as it's been quiet here for a bit. Thanks for your contributions so far!

JimBobSquarePants commented 2 years ago

Yeah @kahlan88 It's been a while.....

I'd love to complete this but struggling to manage the time at all. I'm running some other massive open source projects that are a time sink. I'll have a read through and see if I can make some progress.

kahlan88 commented 2 years ago

Yeah @kahlan88 It's been a while.....

I'd love to complete this but struggling to manage the time at all. I'm running some other massive open source projects that are a time sink. I'll have a read through and see if I can make some progress.

I'm similar about time, but perhaps if you could list which bits you need help with, peeps might be willing to contribute.