RestAlgo / TradingApplication

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Open dhruvin-restalgo opened 1 month ago

dhruvin-restalgo commented 1 month ago

Enter Daily Updates with basic bullet points.


dhruvin-restalgo commented 1 month ago

@Risha-rydt update?

Risha-rydt commented 1 month ago
  1. Implement logic to save JSON data when adding or modifying broadcast details.
  2. Implement logic to change grid row background colors based on specific conditions.
  3. Add a new button to start the TCP server separately.
Risha-rydt commented 1 month ago

Tested and verified changes, and made some code corrections with Kaushik bhai.

Risha-rydt commented 1 month ago


  1. Implement start or stop TCP server functionality.
  2. Validation: Add validation to ensure only a single broadcast entry is allowed in the Source and Dispatcher details.
Risha-rydt commented 1 month ago


  1. Implement start or stop TCP server functionality.
  2. Validation: Add validation to ensure only a single broadcast entry is allowed in the Source and Dispatcher details.
Risha-rydt commented 1 month ago


  1. A review of the Broadcast proxy code and correction of logic and functionality, to be discussed with Kaushikbhai.
    1. TCP server and broadcast channel functionality.
Risha-rydt commented 1 month ago
  1. Options Calculator GUI Design.
Risha-rydt commented 1 month ago
  1. Design GUI In Customize Keyboard.
  2. Start Development In Customize Keyboard.
Risha-rydt commented 4 weeks ago
  1. Correct some UI design and form layout.
  2. Implement logic to allow users to modify and change new custom shortcut keys themselves.
  3. Implement logic to read previous settings
  4. And save all setting data into a JSON file when the Save button is clicked.
Risha-rydt commented 4 weeks ago
  1. Changed logic to save data in JSON file.
  2. Optimize The Code in Customize Keyboard.
Risha-rydt commented 3 weeks ago
  1. The logic of saving the JSON data is placed in the file class.
  2. Working on the logic of keydown event in Customize Keyboard.
Risha-rydt commented 3 weeks ago
  1. Working on the logic of keydown event in Customize Keyboard.
Risha-rydt commented 3 weeks ago
  1. Create windows form "Keyboard".
  2. Create Form 'Form1' And Create A Class File Object in Form1.cs.
  3. Create Form1_KeyDown event for key press and value pass in class file Add code in Form1 (Line 1-46).
  4. Create Method in Class File 'checkKey' (Line 59-84).
  5. 'checkKey' method call in Form1_KeyDown event and return Message with true false.
Risha-rydt commented 3 weeks ago
  1. Merge The Code Class1 Library Class And Form1
  2. Modify The 'ReadJsonFile' Method To Store Key value in Dictionary (Line 47-53)
  3. Modify The 'checkKey' Function in Class1 To Pass Message True Or False To Form1 (Line 62-83)
  4. Modify The 'Form1_KeyDown' Event in Form1 To show Message Shortcut Key Exist Or Not in Dictionary (Line 27-38)
Risha-rydt commented 3 weeks ago
  1. Optimize the code in 'Class1' file.
  2. modified the code of 'checkKey' function (Line 53-75).
  3. modified code in 'Form1' file (Line 1-27).
Risha-rydt commented 3 weeks ago
  1. Create Example of DDE(Dynamic Data Exchange) and create new solution 'DdeExample'.
  2. Create Class file 'DdeExample.cs'.
  3. Create 'ExecuteDdeOperations' Function to connect client using DdeClient.(Line 8-33)
  4. Create 'ProcessExcelSheet3AndWord' function to excel sheet and word to copy data one sheet to other sheet.(Line 35-71)
  5. Create 'ProcessExcelSheet4' function to sheet4 use to update data. (Line 73-98)
  6. Create 'UpdateExcelSheet4Data' function to update excel data to get random number. (Line 100-129)
  7. Create function 'Disconnect Client' to use for client is disconnected to excel and word. (Line 1-23)
  8. Create class file 'Program.cs' call the function in main method. (Line 131-137).
Info-Restalgo commented 2 weeks ago

Risha Mam (05 July, 2024) Topic: Dynamic data exchange program.cs 1-100 fetch data in excel from dynamic data exchange.

Risha-rydt commented 2 weeks ago
  1. Create Example of DDE(Dynamic Data Exchange) and create new solution 'DynamicDataExchange'.
  2. Create Class file 'Program.cs'.
  3. Create function 'UpdateData' for random number to show in excel file. (Line 69-98)
  4. Create function 'Client_Advise'. (Line 60-67)
  5. Connetion to excel file code in main method. (Line 14-58)
Risha-rydt commented 2 weeks ago
  1. Optimize the code of 'DynamicDataExchange' Example.
  2. Create new example 'DDe_Ex'.
  3. Create new Class file 'DDE_Ex.cs' for excel data continue display in cmd.
  4. Then data change in excel file then changed data display in cmd.
  5. Create function 'DdeOperations' for DdeClient Connect to excel. (Line 14-39)
  6. Create function 'ProcessExcelSheet3' for excel sheet data in cmd in using 'Start Advise' and 'Stop Advise'. (Line 42-104)
  7. Create function 'ProcessExcelSheet4' for Sheet1 data copy to sheet4. (Line 106-131)
  8. Create function 'UpdateExcelData' for data update in excel file and cmd. (Line 133-162)
  9. Create function 'DisconnectClient' for disconnect client cmd to excel. (Line 164-170)
drashti-rydt commented 2 weeks ago
  1. Optimize the code of 'CLientservice' from client side file download.(line 14 - 24)
  2. Optimize the code of 'ServerConnection' from Server side file download.
  3. Create new Class file 'Appglobal.cs' for declare a form globale from client side (line 1-10).
  4. Create new Class file 'Appglobal.cs' for declare a form globale from Server side (line 1-10).
  5. create a selectdata function for validation from server side (line 68-78)
Risha-rydt commented 2 weeks ago
  1. Create New Example of 'ProtoSerialize' and 'ProtoDeserialize'.
  2. Designing in 'Form1 and Server'.
  3. Create 'Form1' for Connect client to server and send data to client to server using 'ProtoSerialize' in windows form. (Line 1-62)
  4. Create 'Server' for start server and send data server to client using 'ProtoSerialize' in windows form. (Line 1-62)
  5. Create class file 'Clientlogic.cs' function 'MessageFromServerToClient' to Deserialize data to use 'ProtoDeserialize'. (Line 1-30)
  6. Create class file 'Serverlogic.cs' function 'MessageFromClientToServer' to Deserialize data to use 'ProtoDeserialize'. (Line 1-28)
  7. Create new project for use class in two project client and server class file 'Employee' using Protomember. (Line 1-19)
  8. Create new class file 'Proto.cs' in function 'ProtoSerialize' and 'ProtoDeserialize'. (Line 1-51)
Risha-rydt commented 2 weeks ago
  1. Modify code in 'Form1.cs' page and solve error send message client to server. (Line 1-49)
  2. Modify code in 'Server.cs' page and solve error send message server to client. (Line 1-50)
  3. Modify code in 'Serverlogic.cs' (Line 1-25) page and 'Clientlogic.cs' page. (Line 1-24)
  4. Modify code in 'Proto.cs' in function 'ProtoSerialize' and 'ProtoDeserialize'. (Line 1-44)
Info-Restalgo commented 2 weeks ago

Risha Mam dde server program.cs 1-203 marketpicture.cs 1-59

ddeclient app program.cs 1-146

Risha-rydt commented 2 weeks ago
  1. Create a new project named 'DdeClientApp' to connect the client to the server and execute random numbers using 'OnAdvise'.
  2. In the 'DdeClientApp' project, create a file named 'Program.cs' and define functions within it. (Lines 1-147)
  3. Create another project named 'DdeServerApp' to facilitate communication from server to client, including handling 'OnPoke' and 'OnExecute' functionalities.
  4. In the 'DdeServerApp' project, create a file named 'Program.cs' and define functions within it. (Lines 1-203)
  5. Create a new class file named 'MarketPicture.cs' to encapsulate market-related functionalities. (Lines 1-59)
Risha-rydt commented 2 weeks ago
  1. Optimize the code for 'DdeClientApp' and 'DdeServerApp'.
  2. Add new examples of 'Cancel_Parallel_Operations' in the 'Program.cs' class file (lines 1-70).
  3. Include new examples of 'Execution_Using_ForLoop' in the 'Program.cs' class file (lines 1-46).
  4. Provide new examples demonstrating 'Using_Parallel_Foreach' in the 'Program.cs' class file (lines 1-52).
  5. Develop new examples for 'Without_Cancel_Parallel_Operation' in the 'Program.cs' class file (lines 1-56) and optimize them.
Risha-rydt commented 1 week ago
  1. Learn About AutoMapper and Try Examples of Automapper.
  2. Create new Automapper example 'AutoComToPrimitive' for Complex Type to Primitive Type (Line 1-73).
  3. Create new Automapper example 'Automapper_Complex' for Automapper Complex Mapping (Line 1-72).
  4. add new file in 'Automapper_Complex' in 'MapperConfig' (Line 1-23).
  5. Create new Automapper example 'AutoMapper_DynamicValues' for Fixed and Dynamic Values in Destination Property in AutoMapper (Line 1-72).
  6. Create new Automapper example 'AutoMapper_DynamicValue2' for Fixed and Dynamic Values in Destination Property in AutoMapper (Line 1-73).
  7. Create new Automapper example 'Automapper_Ex' for Automapper Mapping (Line 1-50).
Risha-rydt commented 1 week ago
  1. Create new Automapper example 'Automapper_Ignor' for AutoMapper Ignore Method (Line 1-66).
  2. Create new Automapper example 'Automapper_Reverse' for AutoMapper Reverse Mapping (Line 1-115).
  3. Create new Automapper example 'Automapper_Reverse_2' for AutoMapper Reverse Mapping (Line 1-110).
  4. Create new Automapper example 'ConditionalMapping' for AutoMapper Conditional Mapping (Line 1-76).
Risha-rydt commented 1 week ago
  1. Create new Example of '_AutoResetEvent' AutoResetEvent for using thread in File Name 'Program.cs' (Line 1-29).
  2. Create new Example of '_ManualResetEvent' ManualResetEvent for using thread in File Name 'Program.cs' (Line 1-34).
  3. Create new Example of 'Backgr_Foregr_Thread' Background and foreground for using thread in File Name 'Program.cs' (Line 1-44).
  4. Create new Example of 'Background Thread' Background Thread in File Name 'Program.cs' (Line 1-39).
  5. Create new Example of 'Diff_Auto_Manual' Difference between AutoResetEvent and ManualResetEvent for using thread in File Name 'Program.cs' (Line 1-42).
  6. Create new Example of 'ForeGround_Thread' ForeGround Thread in File Name 'Program.cs' (Line 1-34).
  7. Create new Example of 'MultipleForegr_oneBackgr_Thread' MultipleForeground thread and one Background thread in File Name 'Program.cs' (Line 1-48).
  8. Create new Example of 'Thread Pool' Thread_Pool in File Name 'Program.cs' (Line 1-28).
  9. Create new Example of 'ThreadPool_Invoke' Thread_Pool using invoke method in File Name 'Program.cs' (Line 1-32).
Risha-rydt commented 1 week ago
  1. Create new Example of 'Without_ThreadPool' without Thread_Pool in File Name 'Program.cs' (Line 1-59).
  2. Create new Example of 'Abort_Thread' in File Name 'Program.cs' (Line 1-50).
  3. Create new Example of 'Abort_Thread_1' in File Name 'Program.cs' (Line 1-45).
  4. Create new Example of 'Abort_Thraed_2' in File Name 'Program.cs' (Line 1-54).
  5. Create new Example of 'Priority_Thread' in File Name 'Program.cs' (Line 1-50).
  6. Create new Example of 'Terminate_Thread' in File Name 'Program.cs' (Line 1-30).
  7. Create new Example of 'Thread_LifeCycle' in File Name 'Program.cs' (Line 1-51).
Risha-rydt commented 1 week ago
  1. Learn about ActionBlock Class.
  2. Learn about Constructors in ActionBlock Class.
  3. Learn about Methods and Explicit Interface Implementations in ActionBlock Class.
  4. Learn about Extension Methods and Properties in ActionBlock Class.
  5. Create example of ActionBlock project name 'ActionBlock' (Line 1-43).
  6. Create example of ActionBlock project name 'Action_Block_2' (Line 1-74).
Risha-rydt commented 1 week ago
  1. Refer about Concurrent Dictionary and ConcurrentQueue.
  2. Create new example 'Concurrent_Dictinary' in file name 'Program.cs' (Line 1-42).
  3. Create new example 'Concurrent_Queue' in file name 'Program.cs' (Line 1-40).
  4. Create new example 'Concurrentcoll' in file name 'Program.cs' (Line 1-47).
  5. Create new example 'ConcurrentQueue_2' in file name 'Program.cs' (Line 1-31).
  6. Create new example 'ConcurrentQueuewithmorethanoneThread' in file name 'Program.cs' (Line 1-40).
  7. Create new example 'CopyConcurrentQueue' in file name 'Program.cs' (Line 1-37).
  8. Create new example 'Generic_Queue' in file name 'Program.cs' (Line 1-39) and 'ComplexTypes' (Line 1-37).
  9. Create new example 'GettheFirstElementfromtheConcurrentQueue' in file name 'Program.cs' (Line 1-50).
  10. Create new example 'Locking Mechanism' in file name 'Program.cs' (Line 1-42) and 'RemoveConcurrentQueue' (Line 1-38).
Risha-rydt commented 5 days ago
  1. Refer about ConcurrentStack Collection Class .
  2. Create new example 'Add_Elements_Concurrent' in file name 'Program.cs' (Line 1-39).
  3. Create new example 'Complex_Types_Stack' in file name 'Program.cs' (Line 1-37).
  4. Create new example 'ConcurrentStack' in file name 'Program.cs' (Line 1-40).
  5. Create new example 'CopyTo_stack' in file name 'Program.cs' (Line 1-38).
  6. Create new example 'Remove_stack' in file name 'Program.cs' (Line 1-57).
  7. Create new example 'Stack_Ex' in file name 'Program.cs' (Line 1-37).
  8. Create new example 'Stack_Example_2' in file name 'Program.cs' (Line 1-41).
  9. Create new example 'Stack_Locking_Mechanism' in file name 'Program.cs' (Line 1-45).
  10. Create new example 'TryPop_TryPeek' in file name 'Program.cs' (Line 1-50).
Risha-rydt commented 3 days ago
  1. Create new example 'ToArray_ConcurrentBag' in file name 'Program.cs' (Line 1-39).
  2. Create new example 'Complex_Type_ConcurrentBag' in file name 'Program.cs' (Line 1-35).
  3. Create new example 'ConcurrentBag' in file name 'Program.cs' (Line 1-38).
  4. Create new example 'ConcurrentBag_2' in file name 'Program.cs' (Line 1-38).
  5. Create new example 'ConcurrentBag_TryPeek' in file name 'Program.cs' (Line 1-55).
  6. Create new example 'ConcurrentBag_with_Producer_Consumer' in file name 'Program.cs' (Line 1-54).
  7. Create new example 'CopyTo_ConcurrentBag' in file name 'Program.cs' (Line 1-42).
  8. Create new example 'Locking_Mechanism_ConcurrentBag' in file name 'Program.cs' (Line 1-44).
  9. Create new example 'Multiple_Threads' in file name 'Program.cs' (Line 1-40).
  10. Create new example 'Remove_ConcurrentBag' in file name 'Program.cs' (Line 1-42).
Risha-rydt commented 2 days ago

Refer about :

Risha-rydt commented 1 day ago

Refer about :

Risha-rydt commented 14 hours ago

Refer :