RestAlgo / TradingApplication

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Open dhruvin-restalgo opened 3 weeks ago

dhruvin-restalgo commented 3 weeks ago

Enter Daily Updates with basic bullet points.


dhruvin-restalgo commented 3 weeks ago


dhruvin-restalgo commented 3 weeks ago


Yesha-rydt commented 3 weeks ago

Create a GUI design in broadcast project

Yesha-rydt commented 2 weeks ago

Working on the connected broadcast proxy with the Broadcast Hub and making some design and functionality changes.

Yesha-rydt commented 2 weeks ago

Working on the broadcast proxy with the editing some design, some code and functionality changes .

Yesha-rydt commented 2 weeks ago

Working on the broadcast proxy with the edit some design, some code and functionality changes .

Yesha-rydt commented 2 weeks ago
  1. Tray Icon Functionality: Implement functionality to open the application in the system tray by default, without showing the application window on the screen.
  2. Close/Minimize Button Behavior
    1. Implement functionality where clicking the close or minimize button does not close the application.
    2. Instead, the application should be hidden and displayed in the system tray.
  3. Context Menu for Tray Icon: Implement a context menu in the tray icon with options to:
    1. Open the application.
    2. Start the server.
    3. Stop the server.
    4. Close the application.
Yesha-rydt commented 2 weeks ago context menu option Start apply a all server start logic. context menu option Stop apply a all server Stop logic.

Yesha-rydt commented 2 weeks ago context menu option Start apply a all server start logic. context menu option Stop apply a all server Stop logic.

Jill-Restalgo commented 1 week ago

please send update on daily basis with perfect topic and description.

Yesha-rydt commented 1 week ago


  1. Tray Icon Functionality: Implement functionality to open the application in the system tray by default, without showing the application window on the screen.
  2. Close/Minimize Button Behavior
    1. Implement functionality where clicking the close or minimize button does not close the application.
    2. Instead, the application should be hidden and displayed in the system tray.
  3. Context Menu for Tray Icon: Implement a context menu in the tray icon with options to:
    1. Open the application.
    2. Start the server.
    3. Stop the server.
    4. Close the application.
Yesha-rydt commented 1 week ago

yesterday full day leave

Yesha-rydt commented 1 week ago
  1. screen design for "Preference Message"
  2. Implement logic to get JSON data in grid "Preference Message" details.
  3. apply the logic grid checkboxcolumn value set
  4. Implement logic to change grid color column particular cell color change.
Yesha-rydt commented 1 week ago
  1. Correct some UI design and form layout.
  2. Implement logic to allow users to modify and change new Sound and color in prefrence message
  3. And save all data into a JSON file when the Save button is clicked.
Yesha-rydt commented 5 days ago


  1. in The Preference Meassage project binding data in gridview.
  2. to edit data and save data in json file using CellValueNeeded and CellValuePushed event of grid
Yesha-rydt commented 5 days ago


full day leave

Yesha-rydt commented 5 days ago
  1. Create new project using class library and form.
  2. form used for to display type of message
  3. using classlibrary to fetch the data from the premessage.json file
  4. Create a class premessage in classlibrary(line 125-139)
  5. Create ConnectionOpen function to fetch and read json file data into dictionary (line 31-69)
Yesha-rydt commented 4 days ago
  1. Create DisplayNotification function using queue in class that compare value and how it show message line(84-123)
  2. called this function in button click event of form to display message
  3. Create Function simple_notification which show message in notification icon when messagetype is simple line(125-153)
  4. Create Function dialoag_notification which show message in notification icon when messagetype is Dialog line(155-181)
  5. learn about thread and queue and use in constructor of class library
Yesha-rydt commented 3 days ago
  1. Create new function NotifyTimer in class library (line 191-224)
  2. modify in NotifySimple function for notifyicon
  3. modify constructor 'Classlib' (line 48-50)
  4. Create function Threadend to dispose the Thread (line 235-240)
Yesha-rydt commented 2 days ago

modify constructor 'Classlib' (line 48-50) modify in NotifyTimer function (line 188-212) Create function UpdateCountdown (line 219-231) learn about noemax power websocket

Yesha-rydt commented 1 day ago
  1. Learn about ProtoBuf
  2. Create new Project ProtoBuf_task
  3. Design GUI Form1 and set Required Properties of form1
  4. Create JSON file 'stud.json'
  5. Implement Logic in 'Form1.cs' load button click event (Line 35-80)
  6. Create a class 'Serialize.cs'
  7. Create T : class 'ProtoDeserialize' for deserialize using Protobuf (line 32-50)
Yesha-rydt commented 1 day ago
  1. Implement Logic in 'Form1.cs' on Save button click event to save data in json file (Line 81-114)
  2. Create T : class 'ProtoSerialize' for serialize using Protobuf (line 13-30)
  3. Create a addrow function to add new row in datagridview in form1