Admin Messages: All the messages broadcasted from admin to all the clients.
Exchange Messages: All the messages broadcasted by exchange.
Transactional Messages: All the transaction related messages like order/trade confirmation, RMS rejection
Create model for message log: MessageLogRow
Create a dictionary of type <string, MessageLogRow> in which key is MessageGroup and value is MessageLogRow.
MessageGroup will be:
Generate random message from a button with MessageGroup randomly from the above list and display "ADMIN" messages in "Admin Messages" tab, "EXCHANGE" messages in "Exchange Messages" tab and "TRANSACTION" messages in "Transactional Messages" tab.
Create new message log screen with 3 tabs:
Create model for message log:
Create a dictionary of type
<string, MessageLogRow>
in which key is MessageGroup and value is MessageLogRow.MessageGroup will be:
Generate random message from a button with MessageGroup randomly from the above list and display "ADMIN" messages in "Admin Messages" tab, "EXCHANGE" messages in "Exchange Messages" tab and "TRANSACTION" messages in "Transactional Messages" tab.