RestComm / Restcomm-Connect

The Open Source Cloud Communications Platform
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Restcomm-Connect-8.7.1-25 TCP connections are left in CLOSE_WAIT mode #2997

Open armachea opened 5 years ago

armachea commented 5 years ago

Hi guys, i trust everyone is having a super week.

I just downloaded RC-8.7.1-25 from Github and build it on my Ubuntu Server

RC is running on 174 server with no errors and i am able to make call between registered users (Aparty n Bparty),

(my next step was to create a blank application on RC and add a DIAL-VERB containing (client $core_To) with Status callback: basically this RVD application will be attached to the Aparty(client-number) and on making a call, the callback status of this specific call will be sent to server 170.... Kindly see the attached file |||| callback-app.jpg

until now things are working normally and all calls made from (Aparty with attached RVD app) to Bparty are sent to server 170.

The main-issue i am having now is when i perform the following scenarios:

++++ Aparty(with Attached RVD app) >>> call >>> Bparty

++++ As soon Aparty >>> Listen RINGING >>> Aparty Press NO button to close call

++++ Call is being close from both party

Whenever the above scenarios is executed on RC-8.7.1-25 ..... TCP connection are not being close on my 174 server where RC is running...... at the end of the day i can have more than hundred CLOSE_WAIT connection.... Kindly see the attached file |||| 174-server-CLOSEWAIT.jpg

After a certain periods of time i have some DEBUG log in my running RC ...... Kindly see the attached file |||| TCP-error-on-RestcommConnect.jpg

Guys, the strange things is whenever i do the same process on TelScale-Restcomm-JBoss-AS7-8.4.0-174 TCP connection are being close normally........... is there anyway to overcome this issue.....



