RestComm / jain-sip

Disclaimer: This repository is a git-svn mirror of the project found at whose original repository is developed collaboratively by the Advanced Networking Technologies Division at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) - an agency of the United States Department of Commerce and by a community of individual and enterprise contributors. TeleStax, Inc. will perform some productization work, new features experimentation branches, etc for its TelScale jSIP product that doesn't concern the community from the main repository hence this git repository.
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How to configure jain Sip stack for WS transport ? #184

Open pdzarkar opened 5 years ago

pdzarkar commented 5 years ago

I have been trying jain-sip client to send Register request by using transport as websocket. When java client sends Register request to OfficeSip , client gets timeout event as response.

When transport changed to udp, it works without any issue and user gets registered on officeSip server.

Can we register user on OfficeSip server by using jain-sip stack ? Even tried to register user on Mobicent server which gives same timeout event as response.

Request is set as follows - sb.append("REGISTER sip:server@;method=GET?Host= SIP/2.0\r\n"); sb.append("CSeq: 1 REGISTER\r\n"); sb.append("To: sip:piyush@domain:5082\r\n"); sb.append("From: \"piyush\" sip:piyush@domain:5082;tag=o3qshhkifd\r\n"); sb.append("Call-ID: gth3knqa3t3n0bj42osph5\r\n"); sb.append("Max-Forwards: 69\r\n"); sb.append("Via: SIP/2.0/WS n8020ls4d00s.invalid;branch=z9hG4bK8197727\r\n"); sb.append("Contact: sip:6q93lp0l@n8020ls4d00s.invalid;transport=ws;;reg-id=1;+sip.instance=\"\";expires=600\r\n"); sb.append("User-Agent: JsSIP Lightsip client\r\n"); sb.append("Allow: INVITE,ACK,CANCEL,BYE,UPDATE,MESSAGE,OPTIONS\r\n"); sb.append("Content-Length: 0\r\n"); sb.append("Supported: path,gruu,outbound\r\n"); sb.append("Expires: 600\r\n"); sb.append("\r\n");


findxain commented 3 years ago

any update ?

AbdelrahmanBayoumi commented 3 weeks ago

any update ?