The Idea is to be able to set rules on run time like :
if From/to is regex pattern tie to node X
This can be an initial step to a future plan for proper traffic distribution and/or routing and control/troubleshooting.
For example doing that we can be able to identify the node where a call has landed to troubleshoot.
P.s. Initially this rules can be "static" by configuration option at the LB configuration file. Eventually as our cluster is growing we will need a more dynamic approach.
The Idea is to be able to set rules on run time like : if From/to is regex pattern tie to node X
This can be an initial step to a future plan for proper traffic distribution and/or routing and control/troubleshooting. For example doing that we can be able to identify the node where a call has landed to troubleshoot. P.s. Initially this rules can be "static" by configuration option at the LB configuration file. Eventually as our cluster is growing we will need a more dynamic approach.