RestComm / restcomm-web-sdk

RestComm WebRTC JavaScript SDK
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Integrate support for Google Add On framework for Gmail #100

Open marca56 opened 7 years ago

marca56 commented 7 years ago

@marca56 commented on Fri Mar 10 2017

@marca56 commented on Fri Mar 10 2017

@marca56 commented on Fri Mar 10 2017


The idea here is to create web, IOS and Android add on integration for Olympus clients on the respective clients.

For example, a compelling use case is calling a contact through Restcomm or Restcomm Cloud directly from the Gmail app on all platforms. In addition, we could create a mini-Dialer app that comes along with the integration to allow calls to or from any legal PSTN or SIP number using WebRTC APIs.