Restream / redmine_tagging

Add simple tagging support to Redmine Issues/Wiki pages
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Error while upgrading redmine 2.3.3 to 3.0.1 #54

Closed igroykt closed 8 years ago

igroykt commented 9 years ago

rake aborted! NoMethodError: undefined method include?' for nil:NilClass /opt/wwwservices/redmine/www/plugins/redmine_tagging/init.rb:8:inblock in <top (required)>' /opt/wwwservices/redmine/www/config/environment.rb:14:in `<top (required)>' Tasks: TOP => db:migrate => environment (See full trace by running task with --trace)

Boldie commented 9 years ago

Same issue while trying to use 3.0.3 on ruby 2.1.2p95

joechang316 commented 8 years ago

The redmine 3.1 has the same issue.

alincalinciuc commented 8 years ago

Same problem here.

hongsoog commented 8 years ago

Redmine 3.1.0 has same issue.

amiraliakbari commented 8 years ago

Same error

bartlomiejborzucki commented 8 years ago

same error

kovstas commented 8 years ago

same problem...

igroykt commented 8 years ago

@DonnerJack there is a link on working plugin but it have a limit in 4 tags per issue

nodecarter commented 8 years ago

Have added redmine 3 compatibility.