Restream / redmine_tagging

Add simple tagging support to Redmine Issues/Wiki pages
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Can't save Wiki pages #88

Open Diabsou opened 3 years ago

Diabsou commented 3 years ago


When testing your fork with redmine 4, there is an error mentioned in #87. When trying the fix :

           if @page.nil?

I can't save my wiki pages anymore. Clicking on "Save" does nothing

Started GET "/projects/documentation/wiki/Wiki/edit" for at 2020-11-04 12:10:43 +0100
Processing by WikiController#edit as HTML
  Parameters: {"project_id"=>"documentation", "id"=>"Wiki"}
  Current user: teddy.doure (id=9)
  Rendering wiki/edit.html.erb within layouts/base
  Rendered attachments/_form.html.erb (4.5ms)
  Rendered wiki/edit.html.erb within layouts/base (134.9ms)
  Rendered plugins/advanced_roadmap/app/views/hooks/_stylesheet.html.erb (0.4ms)
  Rendered plugins/redmine_tagging/app/views/tagging/_tagcloud_search.erb (11.8ms)
  Rendered plugins/redmine_wiki_extensions/app/views/wiki_extensions/_html_header.html.erb (1.9ms)
  Rendered plugins/redmine_wiki_extensions/app/views/wiki_extensions/_body_bottom.html.erb (0.1ms)
Completed 200 OK in 234ms (Views: 161.7ms | ActiveRecord: 48.5ms)
Started PUT "/projects/documentation/wiki/Wiki" for at 2020-11-04 12:10:47 +0100
Processing by WikiController#update as HTML
  Parameters: {"utf8"=>"✓", "authenticity_token"=>"EA8Fb2ULnYW1E9fyYdjBHzqnqxDnNLDFGTkwlYAxmNebsn3JObqragUXGASCTODh4S4jD9ml4vd8Z7ziijULUA==", "content"=>{"version"=>"11", "text"=>"h1. [[INFRASTRUCTURE]]\r\n", "comments"=>""}, "wiki_page"=>{"tags"=>"test", "parent_id"=>""}, "commit"=>"Sauvegarder", "project_id"=>"documentation", "id"=>"Wiki"}
  Current user: teddy.doure (id=9)
No template found for WikiController#update, rendering head :no_content
Completed 204 No Content in 23ms (ActiveRecord: 7.8ms)