Restream / reindexer

Embeddable, in-memory, document-oriented database with a high-level Query builder interface.
Apache License 2.0
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error on run with gperftools and v2.8 #59

Closed ilyar closed 4 years ago

ilyar commented 4 years ago

Env and logs:

Segmentation fault (core dumped)

``` NamespaceImpl::NamespaceImpl (items) Index::Index ('-tuple',-,string) Namespace::updateItems(items) delta=1 Loaded index structure(version 0) of namespace 'items' string '-tuple' json:"" Loading items to 'items' from storage [items] WAL initalized lsn #-1 [items] Done loading storage. 0 items loaded (0 errors ), lsn #-1, total size=0M, dataHash=0 Index::Index ('id',,int64) ,pk Namespace::updateItems(items) delta=1 Namespace::saveIndexesToStorage (items) Namespace::saveReplStateToStorage (items) Index::Index ('name',,string) Namespace::updateItems(items) delta=1 Namespace::saveIndexesToStorage (items) Namespace::saveReplStateToStorage (items) Index::Index ('articles',,int64) ,array Namespace::updateItems(items) delta=1 Namespace::saveIndexesToStorage (items) Namespace::saveReplStateToStorage (items) Index::Index ('year',tree,int64) Namespace::updateItems(items) delta=1 Namespace::saveIndexesToStorage (items) Namespace::saveReplStateToStorage (items) ReindexerImpl::syncSystemNamespaces (#config,namespaces) Updated TagsMatcher of namespace '#config' on modify: tags: [0:type 1:profiling 2:queriesperfstats 3:queries_threshold_us 4:perfstats 5:memstats 6:activitystats 7:namespaces 8:namespace 9:log_level 10:lazyload 11:unload_idle_threshold 12:join_cache_mode 13:start_copy_policy_tx_size 14:copy_policy_multiplier 15:tx_size_to_always_copy 16:optimization_timeout_ms 17:replication 18:role 19:master_dsn 20:cluster_id 21:force_sync_on_logic_error 22:force_sync_on_wrong_data_hash 23:action 24:command 25:optimization_sort_workers ] paths: [type(1):type(1) ] Saving tags of namespace #config: tags: [0:type 1:profiling 2:queriesperfstats 3:queries_threshold_us 4:perfstats 5:memstats 6:activitystats 7:namespaces 8:namespace 9:log_level 10:lazyload 11:unload_idle_threshold 12:join_cache_mode 13:start_copy_policy_tx_size 14:copy_policy_multiplier 15:tx_size_to_always_copy 16:optimization_timeout_ms 17:replication 18:role 19:master_dsn 20:cluster_id 21:force_sync_on_logic_error 22:force_sync_on_wrong_data_hash 23:action 24:command 25:optimization_sort_workers ] paths: [type(1):type(1) ] SELECT * FROM items LIMIT 0 Got 0 items in 7 µs [prepare 1 µs, select 0 µs, postprocess 4 µs loop 1 µs, general sort 0 µs], sortindex - -scan: 1 idsets, 0 comparators, cost 0, matched 0, SingleRange(range;,) Query returned: []; total=0 Saving tags of namespace items: tags: [0:ID 1:Name 2:Articles 3:Year ] paths: [ID(1):id(1) Name(2):name(2) Articles(3):articles(3) Year(4):year(4) ] Segmentation fault (core dumped) ```

olegator77 commented 4 years ago

Fixed in 2.9.1.

ilyar commented 4 years ago
