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#matrix is the online open-source workplace inspired in for distributed teams to have the experience of work together each day, side-by-side. No matter where team members might be. Working in an online workplace is even more productive when people are feeling in the same space.
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Google meets as an internal conference option #327

Open digaofs opened 4 years ago

digaofs commented 4 years ago

Feature Description

It would be nice to have the option of using google meets instead of Jitsi, on internal meetings. I know that google meets doesn't provide an API for that, but the idea here is to just render google meets full screen inside a room (instead of opening in a new window), using an iframe or something, pointing to a previously created room in Meet (with an id). That would be good also because meets would use the same login e-mail used to enter the matrix. Room ids should not be a problem, since it's possible to open meet rooms and use fixed ids (with the additional security provided by google log in), also, to enable the "get" person feature, this same google meet id can be used in the link.

digaofs commented 4 years ago

I received a reply in my e-mail, but it is not shown here. Anyway, I'll answer based on the reply by e-mail:

First of all, thanks for answering, @joseantonnio! We're already using google meets with the "externalMeetUrl" parameter on Matrix.

My point here is to use google meets using the "internalMeet" layout, also with the option to get people to the room (function available when using internal meetings). I know that Jitsi has an API that, based on some options, returns an iframe or something similar (I even read part of Jitsi's API code, but unfortunately I'm not a frontend expert =/), that is then rendered full screen on Matrix. My idea is to use a fixed meets URL and render it inside Matrix, in an "iframe like" component, also adding the functionality of getting people into the room (instead of a popup or new window).

Thanks again!

phiter commented 4 years ago

Jitsi is easy to integrate within an iframe because it's built to do that. It also has a js api that can be listened to which makes things easier to work with.

For Google Meet for example the main issue I can think of is exiting a call. The end call button just shows an option to leave the room or return to it. So the "exit room" option should be used instead.

There could be cross domain or x-frame issues too if Google decides that meet shouldn't run in iframes in the future.

phiter commented 4 years ago

I made the changes to make google meet open on an iframe and my code did that but then what I feared came to be true.

Google Meet cannot be loaded in an iframe:


So unfortunately this is not possible, unless google allows meet to be embedded in the future.

There is a request for it on google meet support page, so I suppose if we vote on it to attract Google's attention that could help.

domdomegg commented 1 year ago

FYI there is also a bugtracker issue for this here: