ReswitchedWeekly /

A weekly summary of the development in Reswitched
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Bi-Week 17 - 2018/05/10 to 2018/05/23 #37

Closed roblabla closed 6 years ago

roblabla commented 6 years ago

Please post any interesting news you come across here. Whether it comes from you or from someone else :)

Valeri0p commented 6 years ago

Again, thanks for your effort in keeping us updated, especially on the behind the scenes section :D A little question btw: Twili will be the primary way of loading homebrew on the latest version , isn't it?

About the joycon drivers in Linux:

roblabla commented 6 years ago

@Valeri0p Woop, sorry for not answering your question, I didn't see it. I'm not sure if the end-goal of twili is to be the primary way of loading homebrew. I hope it will be, as it is vastly cleaner from the existing solution, providing proper process isolation among other benefits.

Valeri0p commented 6 years ago

I hope so, thanks for your reply!